Black Cuckoo Maran - Hen or Roo?

If the breeder you got the chicks from breeds Black, Black Copper, or Birchin Marans in addition to the Cuckoos then I would say they goofed and gave you the wrong chick. If they don't...
There are a lot of black chickens out Just check out the Black Chicken Show on the Online Poultry Show Forum. I would check with who you got the chicks from and if it turns out the goofed then you know what you have. Also find out any other black chickens they raise so if they don't have one of the Marans who are mostly black we have something to go on. I know Cuckoo flocks have thrown white sports...I wonder if they can throw black? Mine never did either...
My cuckoos aren't that much different in fact I just noticed a couple weeks ago that the comb thing was going on with 3 of the 5. I also have an Easter Egger cockerel that is gorgeous and a Turken roo and I'm afraid with 12 hens and 30 pullets I'm going to have too much testosterone for the estrogen and I may have to cull one or two, darn it.

Here's a pullet next to a roo. The coloring is pretty close, though it is getting more distinct as time goes on. They're 11 weeks now. I declare, I can't take a pic these days without a Turken in it! LOL


Trisha in MO
Well I checked with the place I got him and they didn't know for sure if the breeder had Black Marans. She sure is much bigger and heavier than our other chicks - Amercauna, Silver Laced Wyandotte and Buff Orpinton.

Thanks so much for all your help - it's really appreciated!!!

These are our new babies, one is a little agressive (as a baby can be) lol. Is this common for this breed? Our others in the past never came at my hand feet flying and pecking before.

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