22nd day and nothing!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 29, 2012
This is the 22nd day and nothing is going on. I put a bright flash light up to them yesterday with out moving them. It looks as if they would be at the stage of a 18 day egg. What is going on? What do I do?
Are they in a incubator? What has you're temps been? If the temps have been low they could just be a little behind. Don't give up yet give them a few more days.
Yes, they are in an incubator. The temp has been at 99.5. It did drop one night, but I got it back up the next day.

Wait another day or 3. The temperature drop may have slowed them down a bit. Good luck!
Ok we started a fresh batch of eggs. This time the were fertila. Today is the 21st day, and we have 3 cracking through so far. We can also hear them pipping. The kids are going crazy....wel so am I sooooo exciting! We have five more that need to brake through.
This is day 23rd and nothing. Should I candle them? We candles before lock down and they looked good.
This is day 23rd and nothing. Should I candle them? We candles before lock down and they looked good.

Yes I would. Do you hear any chirping? You can try putting the egg up to your ear to see if you hear any pecking. But by day 23 I would start to worry. I have never had anything hatch past day 23.

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