My 4 week old chicks are 'crying'?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
Canada, British Columbia
Hi! This is the first time we are raising chicks, and this afternoon they are crying. The inside temp is 20-21 and I started turning the light off two days ago. They are in a large box from a dishwasher. They are crying after we had them out to play. Is is possible they just want to come out? They are eating and pecking as usual, just making a bunch of noise. We only have 4 chicks and 8 chickens.

I tried putting the light back on but, it didn't make any difference.

They are fully feathered, just a few tufts on the head. Can I put them out in the yard with the chickens for an hour of supervised outdoor time or is it too soon. I plan to start integrating them next week. Thanks!
If it is warm outside, like over 65 degrees F, then you could put them out for some supervised playtime, or you could go dig up a clump of grass and dirt and put it in their brooder, they may simply be bored.

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