baby chick with broken toe-possible splay leg.


7 Years
Jun 15, 2012
I have a one week old buff orpington chick who broke her toe somehow. When I found her we thought it was splay leg because she was holding it away from her body at a 45 degree angle. We splinted her for splay leg with the bandaids and the string and her big central toe swelled up. At first i thought i made it too tight but now i think i caught it so quick after she was injured her toe had not yet swelled when i put the bandage on. She does not want to walk much and she is still holding the leg at a 45 deg. angle. Long does it take a broken toe to heal and how do i tell if there is additional injury to the rest of the leg?
Oh yeah- and is there something i can do for the toe?
I would give her electrolytes and vitamins. Make sure she has somewhere quiet and secluded, maybe even dark to go if she gets overwhelmed. Chickens are really good at healing themselves of injuries like this.
Will I hurt the toe if I splint the splay leg? Because it basically forces her to walk on it.
My other buff orpington has the splay leg too now. The other 6 chicks (not orpingtons) are fine. Could this be genetic? I am giving them electrolyte/vitamin water, and bone meal and have switched them from a starter/ grower formula, to just the starter formula.
It may be genetic, but I really don't much about about genetics.
If you don't splint her, she may not be able to walk. The toe may hurt to walk on, but it would still be better in the long run to splint her. If chickens can't walk, they usually don't survive. I would splint your other BO as well. It should be easier without the broken toe.

How you are feeding them sounds great. Looks to me like you're doing everything you can. :) Keep me posted.
Have you guys used splints with any success in the past? What method would you recommend?
I have never personally dealt with splayed leg. I have heard of people using band-aid splints and them working well. I had a hatch-along with my first hatch who had some silkies with splayed leg and she used a band-aid. Let me see if I can find the link that gives instructions.

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