Ideal Poultry - Shipping Wednesday *06/27/12* - Anyone Else??

Hi Debir!
Sounds like the chick raising is going well and the little turkey poult made it! Mine are fine as well- we sort of wimped out on the A frame -- we made the A and then found all these window screens in the basement so just put the A frame at the bottom of the run with 4 windows screens around it and a roll of poultry netting over the top of the A -- it works, and I figure we are not going to need it for more than the couple of weeks to socialize the chicks to the older ones (we are just doing a couple of hours a day so far ) ...
Also was off at work for the past couple of days and returned to find that they LOVE the bunny waterer-- theres a little quail waterer in their brooder for backup and I dont know if its just boredom or what but last night I could hear them peck peck pecking at the the little metal ball in the bunny waterer (some will peck then get their beaks in and take a good size swig of water)-- not sure how much hydration they are actually getting hence the backup waterer, but about the half the water in a 32 ounce bottle is gone ( I have the electrolytes in the bunny waterer as a treat , just cause I have some left over).....Anyways thats my update....
Got the new chicks and they have all had 2 drinks and are settled into their box. I just love that EcoGlow! I am going to get the smaller sometime, just for small orders like this one. They are all quiet and snuggled in now after taking a few pecks of food.

Here is all 13 of them. I have the replacement Black Australorp pullet, 3 Cochin pullets (1 of which is a mystery because I had originally ordered 1 white, 1 blue and 1 partridge. They called and said the no partridges were available, so I picked golden laced, and then when they called the day they shipped them, they the golden laced hatch didn't go well, so I told them to put in whatever they had available, with my preference being either a buff or a red, but whatever would be fine.... sooooo, on the paper, it says "Prt Chochin"... maybe I did get my partridge after all LOL - it is the really dark brown chick on the topish right side), 2 white silkies and 2 gray silkies (they are sooo cute already!), and 1 Dark Cornish Roo, I ordered a Red Shouldered Yokohama and got another one in my Rare Breed Special, and the other two Rare Breed Specials are written down as: 1 Buff Chantecler (eh, not sure I will be keeping her, they are not very pretty IMHO), and 1 Indian Red Jungle Fowl - which I am still not convinced is an Indian Red Jungle Fowl because they do not have them listed on their website. I am going to call them back and ask again LOL.

Indian Red Jungle Fowl?

Gray Silkie, so cute!
Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I guess now that we have all passed the critical period of having chicks, things are going smoothly with not much to share. I just wanted to thank everyone who participated and posted on this thread, it was great to have some buddies for our first chick adventure!

Our chicks are doing great. We have the 19 laying chicks and 5 poults in one pen and the 10 meat chicks in another. We are hoping to get the coop done within the next couple of weeks and move the chicks around. They are all growing and doing great! I still can't place 3 of the breeds LOL and am hoping that by the time we move them into the new coop, I will be able to tell girls from boys.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!
Hello again! I know we are pretty much done with this thread, but I wanted to share some pics :) Our chicks are 6 weeks old! I can't believe how big they are. There used to b a pretty big variance in sizes but they have all pretty much leveled out, except for the turkeys LOL, they are definitely NOT equal sizes!

Welsummer? Speckled Sussex? Spangled Russian Orloff? I just don't know yet LOL.

The biggest turkey (aka Drumstick) - and he is a monster!

The Silver Laced Wyandottes are looking very interesting - I am hoping they get prettier!

Dark Ameraucana.

One of the Salmon Faverolles.

White Ameraucana.
Hi debir couldnt resist a reply-- mine are 4.5 weeks old and happy to say all made it! Good to know they will even out in size because even though they are all Jersey Giants with same hatch time, there is some variation in size!

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