Breed Opinions


9 Years
Mar 28, 2012
Eugene, Oregon
I would like to add to my flock but I don't know which breed to get. The climate is pretty mild here. I would like a good layer and a breed that is good for a beginner. I also would like one that is good for kids and is friendly. Any suggestions?
My pullets are from hatchery stock. One of the calmest and friendliest is our Plymouth Barred Rock. The Black Australorp and Buff Orpington are also friendly and calm. All are supposed to be good layers.

I personally love Easter Eggers, but due to their breeding (crosses of Ameraucana types) they can vary greatly.

If you raise pullets from chicks, they will be friendlier as hens, but you have to be careful about putting youngsters with older hens. Sometimes the older ones will pick on the little girls, so it is best to keep them separate until they are a similar size.

Look under the "breeds" section of BYC to see what types there are and what would suit your needs. Lots of good reviews.

Do you still have the 2 roosters you posted about earlier?
Okay, thanks for the info. Yes I do still have the roosters.

I'm asking, because your roosters are still young and you seem to have a small set up. Generally, one adult rooster will need around 10 hens to keep a good balance once he reaches breeding age. Otherwise, he may over breed and injure the hens. Of course, this is not true for all roosters, but is the case more often than not.

It can be hard, but you should consider finding a new place for your roos. We recently found a home for our unexpected rooster because his 4 am crowing was keeping us from sleep, and roos were not part of the original plan of a small flock of laying hens.

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