Hen stopped laying


11 Years
Jul 5, 2012
Southampton, MA
I have three hens that are rhode island red-white rock crosses. I got them when they were 18 weeks, and they are almost 7 months old now. They have daily access to fresh grass and I feed them organic layer feed. They started laying within a couple of weeks and I have been getting 2 eggs per day very reliably now. I only got 3 eggs once or twice a few weeks ago, and not since. I'm assuming that one of the hens isn't laying at all, but since they tend to lay while I'm at work, I don't know which one isn't laying. They all appear to be healthy, eat well, and behave normally. One of the hens is smaller than the others, seems a bit less active, and is still afraid of us, while the other two are very friendly. These are my first chickens, so I'm not sure if her behavior indicates that there is a problem, or if it is due to her being the bottom in the pecking order, and being more skittish than the others in personality. Also, I have read that chickens that are smaller in size are putting more into egg production, I'm not sure if this is the case with her. Should I be concerned about her? Should I be concerned that it appears that one of the chickens started and then stopped laying? Thanks.
I have three hens that are rhode island red-white rock crosses. I got them when they were 18 weeks, and they are almost 7 months old now. They have daily access to fresh grass and I feed them organic layer feed. They started laying within a couple of weeks and I have been getting 2 eggs per day very reliably now. I only got 3 eggs once or twice a few weeks ago, and not since. I'm assuming that one of the hens isn't laying at all, but since they tend to lay while I'm at work, I don't know which one isn't laying. They all appear to be healthy, eat well, and behave normally. One of the hens is smaller than the others, seems a bit less active, and is still afraid of us, while the other two are very friendly. These are my first chickens, so I'm not sure if her behavior indicates that there is a problem, or if it is due to her being the bottom in the pecking order, and being more skittish than the others in personality. Also, I have read that chickens that are smaller in size are putting more into egg production, I'm not sure if this is the case with her. Should I be concerned about her? Should I be concerned that it appears that one of the chickens started and then stopped laying? Thanks.
Hello, and
, from Arkansas.
Don't know where you are located, but if it is as hot there as it is here that could be the laying problem from your hens. Also a possiblity of an early molt. There could be many reasons. Just make sure they are getting plenty of laying pellets and fresh water.

Sometimes that could be the case of a smaller chicken but I don't think so all the time. As long as she looks healthy ans is eating plenty and drinking water I think she should be okay.
I am in Massachusetts, so it isn't as warm here as elsewhere in the country, but summer has definitely started here. I've been making sure the hens have fresh water and shade, and after the first couple of 90 degree days, they seem to have adjusted. The smallest hen even seems to seek out sunny patches to rest in.
I am in Massachusetts, so it isn't as warm here as elsewhere in the country, but summer has definitely started here. I've been making sure the hens have fresh water and shade, and after the first couple of 90 degree days, they seem to have adjusted. The smallest hen even seems to seek out sunny patches to rest in.
I don't know then why they have stopped laying. Maybe the early molt.
Give them a while And maybe they'll start to lay again.
Hi im in north wales in the UK and my hens stopped laying about 5-6 weeks ago, we lost one of our flock but it also co-incided with an increase in temperature here in the UK. although our summers tend to be just days when it stops raining!
ive not had a single egg from the girls since so i share your pain! fingers crossed they are just being stubborn and we both get some eggs soon!
They probably won't be every day layers, more like two out of three days. So you very well may have all three laying. Being crosses there is no telling what personalities and behaviors will be even among siblings. That goes for size too.

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