Need to get rid of FLYS!!! they are constantly on the chickens and ducks food. Any ideas?


8 Years
Nov 9, 2011
Ok since it got so hot out I have had tons and tons of flys and they aren't on the poop they are all over the feed. It's awful. The ducks area has like 200 flys and I try to keep fans blowing in the chickens coop to keep the flys away a bit.

Anyone have any ideas what I can do to rid myself of this fly mess. I have never had this problem and I wonder if the flys are just having a very reproductive year!!

Also when I pulled up the mat under the feed and water there were maggots!!! I just can't take these stupid flys:/
Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna try the traps. The houses are fairly clean the flys are on the feed. No matter how fresh it is they fly right over n start eating
Got the same problem! I put a Beatle trap and it caught MILLIONS of flys in that one bag! But get rid of the maggots cuz if the get to the chickens then there's a problem...
Oh and I also live in Illinois too!!! Got up to one hundred degrees here, MAN! Thankfully it cooled down A LOT this week.... Woo hoo!
I know it was awful. I felt so bad for the chickens.

What do you mean there would be a problem with the maggots? I did see some under the mat that I put under the feeder?

Since it was so hot I made lots of large areas for the chickens to stand in cold water which they loved but now I have snakes that decided to take up residence in those muddy areas. Ugggg I just can't win. :(
Maggots feed off of chickens and thir blood, so get rid of them. And maybe set up trap for the snakes, or what I would suggest is make an enclosed run and coop with hardwire cloth etc. etc... I KNOW sooooo hot here the chickens were panting the last week but they stopped this week because it was really cool in their shaded area... What I did during the hot weather was put water in a ziplock bag, freeze it over night, put it in a cake pan and they LOVED it, ice cold water next to their electrolyte water was fantastic, and I also sprayed them down with a hose so they could cool off and let them free range longer which helped A LOT.
No way about the maggots! I didn't know that. I only saw them under the mat under the feeder. Omg I'm so going outside first thing after work tomorrow to clean that coop. I did not know that. I threw one mat out that had them but I think they may be in the young girls area under their mat also. Oh man.:(

Mine always free range and I put those pans all around the yard. So now I have to pull them all up because the snakes have moved from the large pond to the mud apparently. I do not like snakes and I have seen far too many this year already ickkkk

The penny in a does that keep the flys away?

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