Blue Splash Cochin Genders - 4.5-5 weeks old


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
We have two Blue Splash Cochins that are 4.5-5 weeks old. I am totally stumped by their combs. Dandelion's is a bit pinker and thicker but they are about the same height. Dandelion was the tiniest baby until a week or so ago (now I know where the food has gone!). S/he is feathering slower than Sharky (my 3 yo named her....) and is close to twice the size (used to be significantly smaller). Dandelion is very feathered on its feet while Sharky has a few on its legs. They were picked up from a local breeder/hatchery. They are feathering out a LOT slower than my Black Australorps who are the same age. Thanks!!


Dandelion on left, Sharky on right.

Dandelion on left, Sharky on right. Notice the size and feathered leg difference! Their parents were Blue Cochins...

Sharky. S/he is independent and always has been. She reminds me of our Barred Rock pullet...


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