The Old Folks Home

Good morning old folks. No heavy work today but must keep putting seed in the ground where they need to be. They are not going to sprout and feed us if left in the packages.
I am supposed to do some computing account work this morning but am instead on BYC!

There is a lot of pollen here today. I took an allergy pill and Flonase but am still sneezing with itchy eyes. I need to use my eye drops soon!
must keep putting seed in the ground where they need to be. They are not going to sprout and feed us if left in the packages.
Yup, same here. I need to clear out places/till in leaves and compost and get areas ready to plant. Still way too early for the tender stuff, but the onions and potatoes could be in the ground and out of their boxes.
Chickens got in the way of planting as much as we wanted done but they being a living breathing being came first. We did get at least a third of our sweet potatoes in the ground and can easily finish tomorrow evening. We only plant them in the late after noon so they can get a start with a hot sun on them.

Good night old folks. Tomorrow is another day.

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