Can we eat the meat of hen with bumblefoot?


10 Years
May 23, 2009
North central Illinois
This is a 3 year old hen who we were thinking of processing this fall now that we have replacement pullets. We have 5 older hens and at least 3 of them need processed. She does lay eggs decently for an older hen, so was thinking of sparing her if I could get rid of the bumblefoot. I did research and performed the bumblefoot surgery, but couldn't find the kernel. There was a small kernel that came off with the scab. Went back in today and still couldn't find it. Her foot is still really swollen and I know there is more in there. BUT I don't want to put her through any more digging around in there as she was obviously in pain. If we process her can we still eat the meat since she has an infection? Or since it's localized to her foot does it matter?
Does anybody know? Maybe I should post this in diseases?
If it were me, I wouldn't eat her with an infection. Bumblefoot is a staph infection that eventually goes systemic. It wouldn't be worth it to me to introduce a staph infection into my food just for the sake of a little meat. But, the is just MHO.
I have eaten a hen that had bumble foot before. Or, at least I cooked her with the rest of the old biddies for stock and canned the meat. We did discard the foot rather than use that in the stock as we usually do. In our case, someone had brought us several spent hens to process and we didn't notice it until after the scalding when we were plucking. Mine wasn't a bad case, only the area right around the scab was swollen not the whole foot. If it had been a more severe swelling affecting the entire foot and/or part of the shank, I might have opted not to eat her.
Thank you for the replies. I reposted this in the diseases/injuries forum where I gave a bit more background. I'm thinking it probably isn't a good idea to eat the meat, just to be on the safe side.

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