My Pullet laid every day for a week and suddenly stopped

Was having a bit of a panic attack till I read this. First time chicken owner. One of my 4 has laid the most beautiful little egg......8 days ago! Not another since. I shall just have to be patient as they all look beautiful and healthy.
After post yesterday, went outside and Miss Daisy (who is always the first to hitch up her skirts and run to me) was nowhere to be seen.

After a good look, I found her sitting on 5 eggs that she had laid in the corner under a bush!! So much for wondering why she laid one and then none for 8 days.

Happy happy happy!!!!
Good to know! One of my four pullets laid her first three eggs and then stopped two days ago. Hoping she'll start again soon, but I'm glad it's normal.
I have a OEG mixed with welsumer. She laid for 9 days and tried to go broody. I let her decided after 4 days of her going back n forth in her decision I yelled her clutch. 8 eggs and 2 golf balls. I thought they may go bad. Anyways, that was 10 weeks ago and nothing!!?? I thought 7 weeks would be tos but now I'm concerned. She's not earning her keep and all hens are healthy! Fed very well, no mites and ckeAn coop. Any thoughts ?
I didnt know who to ask but since you guys are talking about amerucanas i have a question are these giod quality they are selling them for $30
I live in va and got 5 for 25 at 14 weeks old. They are sweet and quiet. Mine havent layed enough eggs to determine that but based on what i read some of them arent the best layers but as far as friendly they are fine with other breeds. Mine seem to be a little skittish at times.

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