Snakes <3 <3 <3 :)


11 Years
Aug 28, 2012
Bay City, Texas
SNAKES <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)

Do NOT post comments saying that our snakes are ugly, nasty, gross, ect.​

This is a thread for all you snake owners to post pictures and stories of your pet snakes :) I will get pictures and some stories up soon :) (I hope) Now, post away!! :D
What's this? I'm not the only one who :love snakes? Sometimes that seems like a rare trait. :clap


This is a wild Corn snake (or Red Rat.)
The story: My husband and I went for a walk on a local nature trail and spotted this girl hanging out in a tree. We waited and watched for a little while and she started to move slowly. We stood very still and she came right down out of the tree and let us pick her up off of the branch. She then curled up on my shoulders and joined us on the walk. It was awesome and it gave us the opportunity to share a bit of information with others visiting the preserve that day. Yes, Corn Snakes can be that "tame" in the wild, especially if they haven't had much contact with humans and haven't learned to fear them, and if you're calm and gentle. It's one of the reasons they are recommended as a first pet snake. Once we got back to the area where we found her, we put her back in the tree, took some photos, and watched as she slithered off into the sunset.
I don't have pics but I sleep with a milk snake next to my bed. Once I thought we had mice or something, I kept hearing this rustling sound. Honey hadn't cleaned out the last shed and it was Buddy brushing against it as he moved around.........I was so relieved!
I dont own any snakes but dont dislike them. A friend of mine has tons of snakes in her yard & they were just killing them so i asked her not to kill them but to catch them & bring them to me. So they have been. I take them to the river & let them go or just release them in my yard. There was 15 in this bucket load. These are all just common garter snakes in this batch. Still kinda cool though :)
That's wonderful, can't tell you how happy I am to see others who like snakes, and you're right, there are lots of beauties shared. :) One of the posts reminded me of videos I captured long ago, probably 8 or 9 years old now. I was surprised to find them still in existence on youtube. I put them there a few years back to share with my Mom, who had come for a visit and loved the snakes. Excuse the quality, technology was not so advanced back then. Warning: Live food, not knocked out or previously frozen in both of these: Corn snake and mouse fuzzy I believe this one was "Jr." He was brought to us as an egg, rescued from a father who wanted to destroy the nest. Once he reached adulthood he was released back to the wild. Black Racer and Brown Anole Hecate. This snake reminded me of the women in old cartoons, the ones who jump up on chairs and start squealing, "eek, a mouse!" We tried to get him to eat mice, he reacted the same way, up into a plant looking back to see if it was coming to get him. It's a shame this video doesn't have it's original music, I set it to Mozart, the lizard's tail was a conductor's baton, had perfect timing. The second one is a little more graphic than the first, due to the way Black Racers hunt in nature. They're more visual-based, as opposed to heat and smell. Hecate would not eat anything that didn't look or move right. donrae: It's the sound that goes ka-shhhh in the night. :lol: BrendaJ: I just want to say thank you for convincing even one other not to kill the snakes in their yard. Oh, and I wish we had that many showing up in our yard, WOW!
Aah, good. Finally a thread where snakes are treasured, not despised. And where girls are not teased for liking snakes. I love, love, loooooove snakes.
<3 <3 <3
Thanks, Chicachihuahua, for creating this thread.
You're very welcome :) I love snakes and that's NEVER going to change for no one!!
Ha ha. Yeah, I mean, what's wrong with snakes?! Why do some people just dislike em? I love snakes. When I grow up, I will have a lot of snakes. My mom thinks that this is kinda "un lady-like".
Oh well. I love snakes and that will never change! :)

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