Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

The only thing based on what Fowlman01 indicated earlier, I think if the standard mirrors the UK standard, then the bird is the cream legbar (we don't get to name what already is). If there are differences but great similarities, it is the American cream legbar. If it's radically different then maybe we vote. I'm saying this because I'm not certain that its a matter of our creativity. Fowlman01 can you comment?

Thank-you many times over! We still need a few more people to do this.
This would be correct.

Shape: Male

Comb: Single; large, straight and erect, deeply and evenly serrated with five to seven spikes, extending well over the back of the head, without touching the line of the head, free from side spikes or thumb-marks. A Comb looks fine but are the notches on the back of the blade okay? some roosters have LARGE combs

Beak: Stout, point clear of the front of the comb, slightly curved. B [chickat] - If blue line is used, beak extends farther. Blue line is intended to be a 90-degree intersection with the white line that traverses beak and eye line. If orange line is used, then comb extends farther, orange line is more vertical with the horizon. BBs13 ot sure on the whole angle thing and the point being clear. Depends on the angle since it looks too short on the left but may be fine of the right, appears 'stout'

Face: Smooth (or finely textured, mine with small feathers)? BBs13 seems to be finely textured

Eyes: Large, bright, and prominent. Round in appearance. C [chickat] Just about every cream legbar picture that I have seen has prominent bright eyes. BBs13 agree

Wattles: Moderately long, uniform in size, well-rounded, skin soft. D BBs13 some seem to have giant wattles

Ear-lobes: Well-developed, hanging about one third the length of the waddles wattles, pendent, smooth and free from folds, equally matched in size and shape. E [ chickat]circled in green, I think it is a fold....however slight it may be...and I think that the wattles are a bit more than a third covered by the earlobes. BBs13 I think I read somewhere the standar was for a 90% white so some pink was acceptable. His appear to be hanging at least 1/2 length of his wattles.

Crest: Small, above the eyes and extended back towards the end of the comb. F [chickat] - does that mean ending above the eyes, as in a straight line from the eye level to the back of the head would show where the crest needs to end. That doesn't make sense..... above relative to ....what point? I took this to mean the feathers would end with the comb.....

Head: Medium in length, symmetrical, well balanced, and of fine quality. seems to be correct

Neck: Long and well covered with hackle feathers. seems to be correct but appears stockier than classic

[chickat] Neck very long and very densely covered in feathers..... (he looks like a lion when he flares them)...
Back: Moderately broad at the shoulders, narrowing slightly toward the tail, long in length, with an even slope to the tail. Saddle feathers: Abundant, moderately long and sweeping to the tail. BBs13 his back does seem short

Tail: Moderately full, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees above horizontal. Sickles: relatively longer than main tail, and well curved.[chickat] he has a great tail, had long streamer sickles which made him look very flashy and flamboyant...but he shed those and is in the process of growing out some more.... He does carry tail at different angles depending upon what he is doing. BBs13 his tail angle appears to be close to the 45 degree mark some seem to have squirrel tailed sickles and a main tail that is at 45

Wings: Large and carried close to the body without dropping. [chickat] see tail at 45-degrees picture]

Breast: Prominent, well-developed, carried forward and upright.
[Chickat] My rooster is very upright...his breast was more prominent...maybe I need to up his rations. BTW he is weighing in at 5.25 pounds and was hatched in January. BBs13 looks upright and carring forward, I think the shorter back gives him a stockier appearance
Body and Fluff: Body moderately long, sloping to the tail, broad in front tapering slightly to the rear. Keel of good length, following the line of the back. Feathers: moderately long and close to the body. [chickat] I think that the ideal body would be longer than my guy, I did compare to a Punnett piece of art but since the stance is different it is a bit of an apples and oranges comparison. Feathering is very dense and surprisingly soft.

Legs and Toes: Legs moderately long, straight when viewed from the front. Thighs medium length. Shanks round, strong, and free from feathers. Toes: four, long, straight, and well-spread. [Chickat} I think the legs and feet, shanks and thighs are a fit to the SOP

[chickat] did a close up on the legs cropped from a picture and I think that they are strong, the right length and toes are well spread. Hard to tell when he is walking past. This is s crop from the picture above where he is with the white EE
He's a nice looking boy
The only thing based on what Fowlman01 indicated earlier, I think if the standard mirrors the UK standard, then the bird is the cream legbar (we don't get to name what already is). If there are differences but great similarities, it is the American cream legbar. If it's radically different then maybe we vote. I'm saying this because I'm not certain that its a matter of our creativity. Fowlman01 can you comment?

Thank-you many times over! We still need a few more people to do this.


OK, Poll cancelled, I went back and edited my previous posts to let people know the poll is cancelled.
Thank-you, GaryDean26, ChicKat, Blackbirds13, and Lonnyandrina for providing review. Maybe Normanack, Laingcroft, MnM Poultry, FlyingMonkeyPoop, or DirtFarmer want to give this a go. Let's have one more person do this! Pre-draft (RedChicken9) plus 5 reviews feels adequate. What's next? Female shape, then male color, followed by female color. Let's keep going!
I don't feel I am very well qualified to do this, but I'll give it a try:
Shape: Male

Comb: Single; large, straight and erect, deeply and evenly serrated with five to seven spikes, extending well over the back of the head, without touching the line of the head, free from side spikes or thumb-marks. A His comb is one of the best I have seen yet-very straight, even, perfect points.

Beak: Stout, point clear of the front of the comb, slightly curved. B [chickat] - If blue line is used, beak extends farther. Blue line is intended to be a 90-degree intersection with the white line that traverses beak and eye line. If orange line is used, then comb extends farther, orange line is more vertical with the horizon. I see his beak extending beyond the comb and slightly curving downward.

Face: Smooth (or finely textured, mine with small feathers)? Looks fairly smooth to me.

Eyes: Large, bright, and prominent. Round in appearance. C [chickat] Just about every cream legbar picture that I have seen has prominent bright eyes. Good.

Wattles: Moderately long, uniform in size, well-rounded, skin soft. D Looks good.

Ear-lobes: Well-developed, hanging about one third the length of the waddles wattles, pendent, smooth and free from folds, equally matched in size and shape. E [ chickat]circled in green, I think it is a fold....however slight it may be...and I think that the wattles are a bit more than a third covered by the earlobes. They look to extend about half the length of his wattles, so a bit too large, and yes, I see a fold too.

Crest: Small, above the eyes and extended back towards the end of the comb. F [chickat] - does that mean ending above the eyes, as in a straight line from the eye level to the back of the head would show where the crest needs to end. That doesn't make sense..... above relative to ....what point? His crest looks good. I believe this means not flopping down the side over his eyes (think Polish).

Head: Medium in length, symmetrical, well balanced, and of fine quality. Good.

Neck: Long and well covered with hackle feathers. To me his neck looks short, but definitely well-covered.

[chickat] Neck very long and very densely covered in feathers..... (he looks like a lion when he flares them)...
Back: Moderately broad at the shoulders, narrowing slightly toward the tail, long in length, with an even slope to the tail. Saddle feathers: Abundant, moderately long and sweeping to the tail. His back also looks a little short.

Tail: Moderately full, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees above horizontal. Sickles: relatively longer than main tail, and well curved.[chickat] he has a great tail, had long streamer sickles which made him look very flashy and flamboyant...but he shed those and is in the process of growing out some more.... He does carry tail at different angles depending upon what he is doing. Tail looks good.

Wings: Large and carried close to the body without dropping. [chickat] see tail at 45-degrees picture] Good.

Breast: Prominent, well-developed, carried forward and upright.
[Chickat] My rooster is very upright...his breast was more prominent...maybe I need to up his rations. BTW he is weighing in at 5.25 pounds and was hatched in January. The first drawing of Punnett's rooster shows the breast puffed out beyond the line of the head, I don't see that in this rooster-his slopes downward.
Body and Fluff: Body moderately long, sloping to the tail, broad in front tapering slightly to the rear. Keel of good length, following the line of the back. Feathers: moderately long and close to the body. [chickat] I think that the ideal body would be longer than my guy, I did compare to a Punnett piece of art but since the stance is different it is a bit of an apples and oranges comparison. Feathering is very dense and surprisingly soft. Fluff is good, body could be longer, IMO.

Legs and Toes: Legs moderately long, straight when viewed from the front. Thighs medium length. Shanks round, strong, and free from feathers. Toes: four, long, straight, and well-spread. [Chickat} I think the legs and feet, shanks and thighs are a fit to the SOP Good.

[chickat] did a close up on the legs cropped from a picture and I think that they are strong, the right length and toes are well spread. Hard to tell when he is walking past. This is s crop from the picture above where he is with the white EE

Thank-you, Babymakes6! Ok, here is the next set of language. Your photos help a lot. Fantastic for those who are able to add them in! When I can I will insert mine and review, I'd like to do this with my pullets being on hand (so the weekend for me). Good luck with this! Looking forward to your review and comments!

Shape - Female

Comb: Single; large, deeply and evenly serrated with five to seven spikes, erect or dropping gracefully to the side without obscuring the eyes. (note: Leghorns describe their ideal comb as having the first point stand erect, would this be a good description for an ideal CL comb?).

Beak: Stout, point clear of the front of the comb, slightly curved.

Face: Smooth (not sure how to “nail” this, is it smooth or finely textured, clean cut, free from wrinkles, how do you describe what you see).

Eyes: Large, bright, and prominent. Round in appearance.

Wattles: Medium in size, smooth, well-rounded, free from folds or wrinkles. Skin soft.

Ear-lobes: Medium in size, oblong, pendent, smooth and free from folds, equally matched in size and shape.

Crest: Small, tufted, affixed above the eyes at the forefront of the skull with feathers narrow that extend back towards the blade of the comb. (Please, there’s a need for a lot of comments on how to describe the crest, both male and female).

Head: Medium in length, symmetrical, well balanced, and of fine quality.

Neck: Long and well covered with hackle feathers.

Back: Moderately broad it’s entire length, long, with an even slope to the tail. Feathers moderately broad and of sufficient length to carry well up to tail.

Tail: Moderately long, carried at an angle of forty degrees (or 35?) above horizontal (see Punnett, text fig.1). Main tail feathers broad and overlapping.

Wings: Large and carried close to the body without dropping.

Breast: Prominent, well-developed, and carried forward.
Shape: Male

Comb: Single; large, straight and erect, deeply and evenly serrated with five to seven spikes, extending well over the back of the head, without touching the line of the head, free from side spikes or thumb-marks. [Anne]: Bird shown looks in compliance to me, and very similar to the right-hand historical picture below.

Beak: Stout, point clear of the front of the comb, slightly curved. [Anne]: Beak looks possibly a tiny bit longer than in the historical pictures below, but fits our description and looks more in balance to me than in the old photos.

Face: Smooth (or finely textured, mine with small feathers)? [Anne]: Is this referring to the red skin? What would "not smooth" look like? Looks good here to me.

Eyes: Large, bright, and prominent. Round in appearance. [Anne]: good.

Wattles: Moderately long, uniform in size, well-rounded, skin soft. [Anne]: Good. Also similar to historical pictures below.

Ear-lobes: Well-developed, hanging about one third the length of the waddles wattles, pendent, smooth and free from folds, equally matched in size and shape. [Anne]: CHICKENS HAVE EAR-LOBES?!?!? Wow, I guess they do. They look longer than one-third -- maybe 1/2? -- the wattle length in the above bird, pretty much 1/3 in the left historical picture, longer than 1/3 in the right historical picture.

Crest: Small, above the eyes and extended back towards the end of the comb. [Anne]: Good.

Head: Medium in length, symmetrical, well balanced, and of fine quality. [Anne]: I'm not qualified to judge these attributes. But he looks fine to me.

Neck: Long and well covered with hackle feathers.

[Anne]: Good.
Back: Moderately broad at the shoulders, narrowing slightly toward the tail, long in length, with an even slope to the tail. Saddle feathers: Abundant, moderately long and sweeping to the tail. [Anne]: I agree with those who think this bird seems to have a shorter back than in the historical pictures below. I don't know if the above bird's back is considered medium or long compared to current roosters in general (across breeds).

Tail: Moderately full, carried at an angle of forty-five degrees above horizontal. Sickles: relatively longer than main tail, and well curved.[Anne]: Angle varies across pictures, including the historical ones. It looks beautiful to me.

Wings: Large and carried close to the body without dropping. [Anne]: All Cream Legbars look to me like they have longer wings than most other chickens, with the tip at or slightly below the bottom line of the body. I don't know what "dropping" means.

Breast: Prominent, well-developed, carried forward and upright.
[Anne]: Unsure how to judge.
Body and Fluff: Body moderately long, sloping to the tail, broad in front tapering slightly to the rear. Keel of good length, following the line of the back. Feathers: moderately long and close to the body. [Anne]: Looks in compliance with standard to me.

Legs and Toes: Legs moderately long, straight when viewed from the front. Thighs medium length. Shanks round, strong, and free from feathers. Toes: four, long, straight, and well-spread. [Anne]: Looks good to me.

I am not sure if anyone commented on this or not, but the bird on the left seems to meet the description far, but the bird on the right does not.

Breast: Prominent, well-developed, carried forward and upright....the bird on the left is a good example and the one on the right not so good. Bird on the right back is too short and has excessive tail angle...note that the lower breast is flat and not rounded. I would suggest using the bird on the left as the proper example of the breed type.

When looking at the beak length be sure the beak does not need trimming as that will make it look longer.

Does anyone have white in the face of a young bird? This is a DQ in Leghorns...something to consider??

Something to think about with combs- how many points do we want? I think a comb with 5 points looks more balanced. I don't think the standard allows for a variable amount of points (5-7) but I may be wrong.

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