Consenia~A Magical Creature RP!

(Please PM me if you want to restart this RP. If enough people want to I will lock this thread and start a new one where we can continue RPing! All ranks will be carried over and new charries will be added to the character section.)
(Please PM me if you want to restart this RP. If enough people want to I will lock this thread and start a new one where we can continue RPing! All ranks will be carried over and new charries will be added to the character section.)
(Also, a "history" section may be added to the form. YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE THIS IF YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE A FORM FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S))
YAY!! I'll C&P info onto another new thread, a mod can lock this, then we're set to go! All battles that were going on will end since I lost Pompona and Incendia a LONG time ago, otherwise we should make the transition smoothly.
Species: unicorn
Age:1 week
Coat colour:black
Animal friend:sky the Big fanged mouse
Size(think of animal about that size) collie
Personality: shy scared and if you gain her trust she will do anything for you and sadly has been betrayed for this.
Description:ash black with a scar that's shaped like a star on her neck made by a were-wolf,with white tipped ears and a rainbow horn
Answer soon please
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