DARK Rhode Island Reds

Its been a BAD week! One went missing, found one dead (a roo) for no obvious reason yesterday, no marks or breaks, and I stepped on one today and broke its poor tiny little leg... I am so sad!

I did what I could with popcycle sticks and duct tape (it has cotton batting under the tape too...) but if it dies I will be down to 8 DRIRs.
Uuuuughhhhhhh Sucks being a farmer sometimes!

She was up and hoping one legged today, when she gets tired she just flops over and pops right up if she wants to go. She was eating and drinking so maybe she will heal and be good as new in 6 weeks. Im trying to keep her separated but her sisters keep getting in with her. As long as she doesn't get out and get that leg wet we should be OK!

So, what happened with your injured little beauty? Did the popsicle sticks help? Is he okay now? I have one Dark RIR that was supposed to be a pullet, and now I'm thinking Barbie is most certainly a Bob! Yikes! How are your babies doing?
No she didn't make it. Of all the chicks I had 4 of the dark RIR hens to live and they are locked up tight. Eagles settled in and set up territory in the neighborhood. I have lost over half my flock.
The Dark RIRs are really nice looking now. They are a deep red with Beetle Green black tails. I will get some new pictures this week. They have Just started laying and so far are laying productively.

Since I lost the Dark RIR Rooster I put a Red Game rooster in with them and the few other hen breeds that lived. Out of the 55 Chicks I ordered back in Nov... 4 Dark RIR, 3 Barred Rocks, 4 EEs, and 4 Freedom Ranger made it to egg laying age. I have lost most of my 2yo -8yo birds as well...Out of about 100 birds I have around 30 adults left. Plus the 5 Geese only hatched Two goslings and only one of those lived. Beween the Hawks, Eagles, Falcons, Coyotes, Raccoons, Opossums and Merricks disease just about wiped us out! We have had a horrible year of death! I have lost about new 8 chicks to rats (Big as ferrets) this week alone! I cant seem to catch back up.

But its all good...life will find a way
I would recommend a mobile management system using electonet fencing. It keeps the birds on fresh ground, which reduces health problems and the electonet stops four legged predators cold. Winged predators, of course are a different story. If my chickens have lots of room to manuver (free range) and I keep them at least a 100 feet away from the tree line, they can see the raptors coming and then it is game on,which they will win most of the time. Good Luck

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