How often do barred rock hens go broody?

I think it depends on the bird. Some have their fill once a year. Others sit every chance they get. I have BR that never go broody.
LOL now this is not encouraging.
Okay people we gotta concentrate
:confused: . I need some positive feedback from this. I read at one of the hatchery sites that barred rocks are likely to go broody. This means less eggs I have to put in the bator. Then they can be raised by their mommy and all will be good.
My BR hen is a year and a half old and has never went broody. My BO hen on the other hand has just went and is determined, she has to be made to get up and eat!
BRs are not known for broodiness, especially today's hatchery versions. I have 8 of them laying, a couple almost 3 years old. NONE have ever gone broody. helmstead has one who does go broody on occasion out of her entire flock of them.

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