Lethargy, yellow diarrhea, progressing to death

I have a chicken with similar symptoms, and I found some info saying Sulmet (which is over the counter) can be used for treatment of blackhead. I'm treating the hen with, hoping for the best.
I have a chicken with similar symptoms, and I found some info saying Sulmet (which is over the counter) can be used for treatment of blackhead. I'm treating the hen with, hoping for the best.

Sulmet is not what is used to treat blackhead (histomoniasis). Treatment is metronidazole at no less that 30mg/kg by mouth once a day for five days. One also needs to worm with a wormer that kills the cecal worm.

Where did you read this about Sulmet? FYI, you can get metronidazole for fish at Petsmart, it's called API General Cure, just double check the ingredients to be sure it has metronidazole. It will also have Praziquantil, but don't worry about that, you can give both.

I saw it on some forum, e.g.

and some others. Its a word of a mouth so to speak. It actually seems to work, it seems to have stabilized her condition. I tried to find flagyl(?) but it requires RX, and I was going to go to a vet clinic tomorrow. But that fish med I'll be using now, thanks for the info! Just ran to petsmart and got it.
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Glad you got it, if it's blackhead the metronidazole should help. Please, still talk to a vet, many things can look like blackhead and would require different medicine.

My guess is that your hen has Histomoniasis. Histomoniasis is a protozoa disease that is common in areas where fowl are allowed to free range on rich damp earth. That's true because these areas are where earthworms are more common.

I stopped a long time ago recommending that people stop feeding your birds earthworms, especially worms found in the chickens' environment. The Histomoniasis protozoa eggs are contained in earth worms and also in cecil worm eggs. So every time that your hens eats an Earthworm she is playing Russian roulette. But when I recommended it I got the feeling that people thought that I had two heads.
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