no obvious symptoms but something wrong


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 1, 2012
Black Mountain, NC
Our buff orpington seems to have something wrong but we don't know what. She's just standing in the run while the 2 other girls are happily pecking and scratching all around her. We let her out of the run for some free range time in the back yard this afternoon and noticed that she didn't follow around with the others as usual. When it was time to return her to the run she didn't try and get away like she always does but instead just stood there. Is there something we should do before closing her in the coop for the night or just wait and watch. Any suggestions? Thanks!
The easiest way to observe for symptoms is to separate her from the flock. if one of my chickens seem sick, I set up a big card board box or dog kennel with some bedding and food and water. that way I can tell if she is eating, drinking and see what her poop looks like. Check her over for lice or mites and feel if her crop is hard and blocked. listen to her breathing. Feel her belly to see if she is egg bound.
I compared how her crop feels to the others and it seems like it feels the same so I guess it's ok. What should I be feeling for when I check her belly to see if she is egg bound? Thanks for your advise.
If she were egg bound you would feel the egg fairly near the vent. but if she were egg bound you might have notice her spending more time in the nest box or a pulsing vent. It can be difficult to figure out what is going on with a chicken. I hope she is feeling better soon.
I had a rooster act like that for three days, was fluffed up, wouldn't forage, and didn't eat. I didn't know what it was, so I left him for three days. He got better by himself, I still don't know why he acted sick.
Thanks for your input. We brought her in the house tonight and fixed up a big box with shavings, food and water. I held her on my lap for a while and checked for any other symptoms. No sign of an egg near the vent. Her crop was full but soft and she has no mites/bugs. While on my lap she had a seriously nasty liquid yellow/white poo.
Any suggestions on what else we should do? Can we leave her in the house for the day tomorrow or will the heat of the house be too much for our fluffy feathered friend? Thanks for your help.

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