Is there a way to get my dominant hen to let the other hen sleep inside?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 29, 2012
I have two isa brown hens. We fud one and then bought another for company for her. They generally get along quite well and follow each other all over the place. Until bed time... My dominant hen (the first one we had) wont let the other one sleep in the "bedroom". If she gets in there first, the dominant one comes in and pulls her comb until she gets up and leaves. She then sleeps perched in the doorway (head out the door, bum in the "bedroom"). I've just gone out now to lock them away or the night and poor Henny (2-in-line) was sleep on the bedroom floor, in the poo, right behind the door. (I did notice a mouse climbing the wall of the house so I suspect that frightened her)

I do occasionally find them sleeping next to each other, but I just wish the dominant oe was a bit ses bossy and woud learn to share... Any ideas?

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