How do you know the gender of chicks?

golden campine

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
I want to know how to tell the gender in chicks so that way I can make sure I get what i asked for.thanks.
It depends how old they are, it's a little tricky to sex chicks when they're younger. I can usually tell at 4 weeks, for most of mine. Where are you getting them from?
Hatcheries are usually pretty good at sexing chicks. I've ordered a lot of pullets from hatcheries and only had one not be a pullet. They will specify if you're ordering pullets or straight runs.
Breeders, I'm not so sure on. I've never bought from a breeder and I would probably question the validity, unless they're pretty creditable. Hatcheries usually send chicks at a day old so they can get nutrients from the yolk sac on the journey.
ok thanks. I think ill get from Meyer hachery.I plan on getting 8 chickens.3golden campines 1rooster 2, hens 3 columbian wyandottes,and 2 silkie bantams.And are all silkies bantams?
I've never had silkies so I don't know but I don't think so, usually there is a standard size for each bantam breed. Also be sure to check with the hatchery on minimum order requirements. Most hatcheries require 25 chick minimum orders because they need to be able to stay warm on the trip home. Luckily chickens are pretty easy to rehome if you have too many!

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