protein supplements for poults?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 21, 2011
Thanks for all the great info! I also have my poults on chicken starter (advised to) and have been having trouble with them trying to eat everything (paper towel, pine shaving, cardboard). I was about to switch them to old towels and I will have to order turkey starter at the local feed mill which will take several days. Can I scamble them some eggs or give them spinach or something to help with the protein until the turkey starer comes? What do you suggest?
They do love hard boiled eggs though, and dried meal worms. I also add the "meat or "heart" of sunflower seeds.My poults have always been on organic turkey grower which I originally ground up finer for them because I couldn't find a different brand of organic feed that didn't have soy as a base ( my preference), so I have given them all of the above for extra protein and they are 5 and 1/2 weeks old now and doing great. some that I think are the male BBB feel like they are close to 5#'s while the ones I think are female feel at least 1-2 #'s lighter.

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