Red Bourbon Turkey

Bourbons are great. I have two incubators with them right now and a hen sitting on 10 eggs. One incubator on lockdown and due to hatch on Wednesday. I hope you have as much of an adventure as I am having. Good luck.
I have a mix or Red Bourbons and Holland Whites and Ducks in the Incubator due Thursday just took out the egg Turner as I am to do at this point.
Hoping for a good hatch I have people wanting to buy some Poults .
I also have another 20 something Red Bourbon eggs to take there place.
This is my first year for Red Bourbons laying eggs how long do they continue to lay each season.?
I have a mix or Red Bourbons and Holland Whites and Ducks in the Incubator due Thursday just took out the egg Turner as I am to do at this point.
Hoping for a good hatch I have people wanting to buy some Poults .
I also have another 20 something Red Bourbhw whion eggs to take there place.
This is my first year for Red Bourbons laying eggs how long do they continue to lay each season.?

How did you get the ducks to mate with the Hollands?

About how long they lay, I had a Royal Palm that started laying in the March last year. I kept incubating eggs and she kept laying. I finally quit taking her eggs and she made a nest that failed, so she made another nest and finally hatched her own brood in September. I think I got 98 eggs out of her. They can lay for a long time if you let them.
have any of you boubons ever attacked you? because my bronze stag just did the other day. thinking of getting some reds :)
When I was young we had a eastern wild turkey Tom that would go after me all the time. He had little human contact before we got him. You want them to be part of the flock. Like K-9 or chickens the younger they are when you get them the better. Unless you get them from someone who spends time with the birds.
My Tom I don't trust around my young ones. He has chased both and pecked my 3 year old's back. He is never a problem around adults, though. I have a 1500 square foot pen for them that they hang in when the kids are out and free range on days that the kids will not be playing in the yard. All my hens are very well behaved.

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