Dog Attack! This one is still alive. HELP.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
I heard my big biddy making a lot of noise. I went out to see what her deal was. Her friend, Fifi has learned to fly over the gate. I had the door open on a nice day, and my beagle/collie mix attacked her. This was why Fifi's friend was making a ruckus. My dogs has killed ALL of the others. This was the first to find alive. I rounded her up. Poured water over her wounds, squirted saline solution into her puncture holes, and poured peroxide over her wounds. I frantically went to the feed store and picked up some antibiotics that dissolve in water. Now she is not drinking.I put triple antibiotic cream on her wounds and covered them with gauze. I have her in a large cage, covered her with small towels, and put a heat lamp on her.
Please HELP.
I am trying to leave her be, but I am afraid she'll get dehydrated. What should I do?
Is the heat lamp ok?

I hope she makes it through the night. I only have two adult chickens (the rest are one week old). She needs her buddy to pull through.
Sorry to hear that. If the bird isn't drinking on its own, you'll have to hand feed/drink with a syringe. Drugstores carry an electrolyte product called Pedialyte (the unflavored one). Since you likely don't have feeding tubes, you can get the bird to drink it with a syringe. You may have to assist the opening of the beak and give a few drops at a time as to not aspirate the bird. If the bird remains hydrated, the appetite should increase, and the bird will eventually eat and drink on its own. What type of antibiotics did you buy?

One more thing. You don't need to put heat on the bird if it is in your house in an already warm environment. Just make sure the bird isn't around any commotion. Sometimes the damage needs veterinary treatment in order to survive. It may cost around $200 to keep her alive though. Do you have any pictures of the wounds?
I bought "terra vet". I have the chick supplement with electrolytes and vitamins. I could put that in her syringe. I have her on the back porch now, I will bring her inside and get rid of the lamp. I don't have pictures of the wounds. I will take pictures tomorrow, if she makes it through the night. I wrapped her up with gauze, so I don't want disturb more than I have to right now. There are about 4-6 puncture on her back, 3-4 on her breast and wing. The ones on her back seem more severe.

She is not moving at all, but she will open her eyes to see what is going on. She is shaking as well. This I am sure is all part of the shock.

I will carefully give her some water every few hours.
Thanks for the advice.
She has passed on to the big pasture on the other side. So, my next question is... will her friend be ok solo until my one week old chicks can join here outside or should I get her a companion?
So sorry for your loss I hope her buddy is okay I had the same thing happen the other night, two stray dogs came up one grabbed my frizzle hen and our roommate got her away from him. but she has a puncture wound on her side. otherwise she seems okay just really frightened of dogs now.
I'm very sorry for your loss. Your hen should be fine alone if you give her some extra attention while waiting for the new chicks to arrive.

X2 Sorry about your girl that passed. Not to sound mean or harsh, but what about the dog, you said it has attacked your girls before, if this is so, you need to make sure it CAN"T get to your girls again.
Thank you for the condolences. I totally know this is what dogs do, this will be the eighth tragedy. I built fence around the chickens after the two massacres. Fifi had learned to fly over the gate which was shorter than the rest of the fence. I have had chickens for about two years and I have learned not to get too attached because everything loves chicken. I have had raccoons, opossums, hawks, you name it. Every attack is an unfortunately learning experience.
Big biddy, Fuego, has been calling for her friend all morning. :(
These girls are not very tame, I got them from a older gentleman that just raised and sold them. I will try and spend some time with her, and give her some extra treats.

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