Denville NJ Chickens

4 of the 7 Council members had lots of questions like Doug Gabel for one seemed open minded. A few others said no way not in my ward like they owned it.
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Any updates on this topic? I used to raise chickens in Florham Park and had to give them up when I moved to Denville :/.
I go to court in Denville with my three kids on 4/17/2014 at 9am to fight to keep our 3 pet hens. The state if NJ says you can keep any quantity of over 1000 exotic pets including kinkajous and savannah cats

but Denville NJ claims a chicken that has no claws or teeth cant be a pet.
We plan to straighten this out.

Brian Cunningham
22 Edgewater Dr.
Denville NJ 07834
Dave Pateman and I both pleaded not guilty. Not sure yet when we get to argue. An attorney wants to help for free. I dont even think its necessary. Open and shut case house pet is undefined.

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