
I think my california white pullet has this, she has orange-red mucus in her droppings. She and the other pullets have been free-ranging a lot the past couple weeks, perhaps she never developed immunity to it. I just started her on corid and will probably start the others tomorrow even though they aren't showing symptoms.
I started Amprol treatment this morning after discovering several suspicious poops in the meat kings tractor and also signs that the turkey poults may have it.
None of the birds are adcting lethargic as yet, but I'm not taking any chances.
I lost so many poults last year to it, it was devastating. Keeping Amprol/Corid on hand is a real bonus so that I can treat right away.
I hope everyones birds pull through.

Sharon :)
Ok here is my question can they poop blood then normal then blood again?? I started treating mine with cords powder because my breeder had a outbreak so she called and to me to treat mine. But I had no signs of illneass until day three. The one in question did have a pretty bad cause of pasty butt.
I did take care of and she is acting allot better since that is clearing up. I geuss my question it when do I worry this may be something else. This is day four of treatment and yesterday was the first days their was blood.. I thought one was dieing. .


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