~~KINGDOMS OF CYRENE~~ RP (Need Players)


6 Years
May 28, 2013
World of Cyrene
-----World of Cyrene----

Cyrene is a very warm earth-like planet orbiting around an orphan main sequence star called Yulin. It's the second planet away from the star following two others. At this point the other planets don't have names cause they haven't been studied since the dawn of man. Orbiting around the planet is three moons: Thengar, Sirrus, and Nolva. They were all named by the ancient dragons based on their dragonic gods eons ago.
Because of its distance away from Yulin, Cyrene has more land than water because over millions of years the water has been evaporating thanks to its trapped heat. Eventually in the future all the water will be dried up and Cyrene will become a very hostile place to live. Even though Cyrene's water has been evaporating over time, many species call this place home.

----Cyrene's Moons----

Thengar: Thengar is the biggest, brightest, and the closest moon to the planet. It has craters all around its surface, easily recognizable to the naked eye. The moon is dead and barren. The color of the soil is bluish-white because of its thin atmosphere composed of Nitrogen, which is then frozen and rains down to the surface.

Sirrus: Sirrus is slighter smaller then Nolva and definitely tiny compared to its bigger brother. Unlike Thengar and Nolva, Sirrus has a reddish surface and no craters because its the only active moon. Countless volcanoes spew molten rock and lava on its surface thanks to other moons playing tug-o-war on him. Both moons' gravity constantly grabs and tugs on Sirrus causing its core and crust to bend and shape back in place making it a very hot and dangerous place.

Nolva: Last but not least, Nolva is the smallest and dimmest moon in the Cyrene night sky. It has a white surface and countless craters. The moon is also dead and barren.

----Species of Cyrene----

Dragons: Dragons are the oldest and wisest species on Cyrene. Much of the known knowledge about the planet came from ancient dragons. Legends say they enslaved all races on the planet eons ago because all species can speak a different dialect of the ancient dragon language. After the enslavement ended, Dragons were used as war machines and guinea pigs for experiments. They taught all they knew to their former slaves. Today, they exist everywhere on the planet disguised and living with the other species.

Humans: Humans came around 100,000 years ago somewhere on the planet. They were respected by their dragon masters because of the way humans learned. They learned to adapt and use tools faster than any other race. The time turned when dragons stopped enslaving them; humans became the new dominate species for thousands of years. With humans expanding to every corner of the globe and breeding with most species, new races appeared.

Elves: Unlike the other species on Cyrene, the origin of the elves are unknown. They just appeared randomly in every forest after humans threatened the very nature of the planet. For thousands of years elves and humans have been at war with each other even till this day. Because of countless wars and hatred towards them, elves are very isolated from the rest of the world. The only known kingdom run by elves is K'val. Some believe the kingdom is invincible.

Hybrid Elves: Living among and shunned upon humans, a crossbreed of elf and human are known as Hybrid Elves. During times of war, those who opposed conflict among the two races bred with each other as an act of protest. Eventually over the years, the crossbreeds became so common among humans they got their name Hybrid Elves. Today, Hybrid Elves are still frowned upon by most humans. They live in tight quarters in big cities. There are no known city, kingdom or place ran by Hybrid Elves.

Dwarves: Among one of the most isolated races on the planet, Dwarves are believed to be an inbreed of human and some kind of small humanoid creature not known. Dwarves are best renowned by their passion for metal and rock working. Deep within the mountains of Cyrene it is believed they have built massive cities and kingdoms. Today, there is no known dwarven kingdom.

Neodons: Neodons are a aquatic race crossbred from humans and Neos. Neos are aquatic creatures whose origins are unknown but appear at almost every coast around the planet except the colder regions. Neodons live mostly around lakes, rivers, and underwater cities in the oceans. To humans, Neodons are a respected race cause of their ability to breathe underwater to investigate ancient wrecks, ruins, and caves. Unfortunately because of the planet's land to water ratio, Neodons were forced to live among some humans, elves, and even monsters.

----Kingdoms of Cyrene----

Today, since the dawn of the first race to show up on Cyrene, all the planet's species population has grown to over 30 million. Most of them are civilized into kingdoms and free cities. The time on Cyrene is like the medieval times here on Earth. Magic does exist but is very low and is viewed on superstition. Every kingdom is centuries old except for the newly found Free Cities of Ilsig.

Targon: The kingdom of Targon was founded by humans. Its borders have shrunk in the last 200 years cause of its constant battle with the elvish kingdom of K'val. Targon claimed most of the northern plains and the whole Tyrn Desert. Today, Targon is being ruled by KIng Santar IV. He rules with absolute power. The kingdom is currently at war with K'val. They also have a non-aggression treaty with their southern and northern neighboring kingdoms: Kandor and So'Varn.

Kandor: Kandor is fearsome kingdom indeed. It was founded by humans who absolutely love magic and everything about its nature. Their borders have doubled to the size they are today thanks to their magic users. Today, Kandor has one of the strongest military in the world led by the notorous King Doritor. They stand at a fierce force of over 10,000 men and rumored 2,000 magic users. It is also believed they have dragon allies in the Arobus Mountain Range.

K'val: K'val is probably the oldest kingdom in the world led by elves. They have a strict policy of allowing outsiders in their borders. During the time of its infancy, K'val was three times bigger than it is now. Because of their war with the humans over the years their borders have shrunk to its size today. Targon and Omark claim most of their old lands. Today, K'val is ruled by a eight member counsel of elves. They control all of the kingdoms major decisions. K'val is currently at war with Targon and Omark in hope to reclaim their old kingdom lands.

Omark: Omark is the strangest kingdom in the world because there are so much stories on how it was founded. No one knows who or what race founded the kingdom. Even today, Omark welcomes all races and allows them to run for political positions unlike other kingdoms Non Cyrene. Every race exists in Omark; especially in their capital city. There is no dominate race in Omark. Currently, Omark isn't at war with anyone and has the greatest economic city in the world.

Western and Eastern Sian: Sian used to be the greatest and most powerful kingdom in the world up until a civil war split them into the separate kingdoms they are today. The king of Sian died unknowingly and his two sons claimed east and west. After one of the bloodiest wars the world had ever seen, Sian broke apart and each was ruled by his sons: Severus and Theox. Today, both kingdoms are still struggling to rebuild themselves from the separation. No open war exists between the two but tiny skirmishes every now and then. They're both on neutral terms with the rest of the world.

Elvannon: The frozen kingdom of Elvannon was founded by humans known for their brave efforts to settle in a very far and cold place. Not one single war has happened since it was founded because others view the place as barren and wasteful. Today, Elvannon is ruled by an unknown magic user. They mostly have trading agreements with the rest of the world from their capital port city.

So'Varn: The kingdom of So'Varn is the greatest trading kingdom in the world. They export almost everything from wood to fish. So'Varn was founded by Neodons and still till this day Neodons rule. Other races are welcome into the kingdom but are viewed as cautious. Humans are the most respected.

Colony of Vordol: Vordol is owned by the great kingdom, Kandor as a colony. Laws are very strict there in order to keep them from seceding from Kandor. No kingdom wants to try to take over cause they know they would face the wraith of Kandor.

Free Cities of Ilsig: The cities along the Strait of Rein were once part of every major kingdom in the world for hundreds of years. As time went on, each one declared freedom and seceded until each one got their independence. Today, they are known as the Free Cities of Ilsig in honor of the man who led the revolution to free them all 50 years ago. Each city is ruled by a single major who is elected by popular vote among the wealthy.

NOTICE: None of the cities were named cause I assumed players would like to name their city if they owned the city or kingdom in the rp.

----Role Playing Story----
Cyrene is chuck full of conflict between kingdoms, races, and monsters. I gave all of the detail I can about the planet and even mapped it out the best I can. With such a big planet and lots of space, a story can take place anywhere. I particularly want to take place in Targon, but if you want to choose a different place, that's fine too.


1. This is my very own RP. What I say goes. Please do not post any of this work without my permission.

2. With ratings, use common sense. If you swear, use d***. DO NOT use the f-word.

3. No god like powers (invisibility, invulnerability, *control over nature*).

4. If playing with magic, use as much detail as possible. Remember magic is viewed as superstition. No magic can be used to invent new technologies. Gunpowder does exist; only as early cannons. You are allowed 3 magic powers. Once you've used all your powers it takes a day (real time) for it to replenish.
4a. Magic cannot be used to travel between planes, through time, or *outer space*.

5. Refer to the world Cyrene. Keep the names as I wrote them. As with cities, you can name them if you own them. Remember the legend to see what the environments are. Cyrene is warm planet.

6. With ranks like king, lord, mayor, etc. need approval first. If using the story based in Targon, only royal and lower.

7. Use as much detail as possible.

8. Ask Draxion to approve your character.

9. You can't hurt or kill other players without their permission. Also has to be for a purpose.

10. If going to battle, use as much detail as possible. Also need players permission. If you have healing powers, only allowed to use it once.

11. Races allowed: Dragons, Humans, Elves, Hybrid Elves, Dwarves, and Neodons. Rules for each are as follows:
11a. Dragons: Has to have a transforming power to be with other races.
11b. Humans: Hates all elven races. Uses Dragons as war machines.
11c. Elves: Isolated from all other races. Hates all humans.
11d. Hybrid Elves: Can tolerate any race. Shunned upon by humans and elves.
11e. Dwarves: Loves to be underground deep within mountains.
11f. Neodons: Has to have breathing underwater power. Respected by most races.

NOTICE: The kingdom of Omark is an exception to all #11a - #11f rules.

12. Love can happen between players, but use common sense when it comes to 'detail'.

* unless approved by Draxion.


Rank (desired and now):
Magic Powers (0-3):
Pic (optional):

Name: Solviss
Race: Human
Personality: Loyal, trustworthy, leader.
Appearance: Medium built, blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin.
History: Solviss is Santar IV's son and heir to his throne. He changed his name from Santar III to Solviss. He has a younger brother named Alex.
Place: Targon
Rank (desired and now): King and prince
Magic Powers (0-3): None magic user
Interests: Ruling, politics, dragons, monsters
Conflicts: Resisting authority, challenge for the throne with his brother.
Pic (optional):
Username: Draxion

Name: Eryn
Age: 126
Race: Elf
Personality: Lovable, cheerful, shy, hunter, quiet
Appearance: Medium built, silver hair, green eyes, white skin.
History: Eryn was born in the captial city of Omark. She was raised by humans cause both her parents are unknown. She has been searching through Targon for answers. She is currenlty Solviss' close friend.
Rank (desired and now): No desired rank and middle class.
Magic Powers (0-3): Healing, ranged eyes for hunting, and improved hearing.
Interests: hunting, parents whereabouts, nature
Conflicts: Humans, challenge of finding where she's from.
Pic (optional):

Username: Draxion

Name: Molar
Personality: Territorial, greedy, friendly.
Appearance: Silver in dragon form. Blonde hair, white skin, green eyes in human form.
History: Molar has lived among humans as a human in disguise, mostly in Targon, all of his life. He was adopted by King Santar IV as a pet for the royal family when his true form was discovered.
Place: Targon
Rank (desired and now): No rank desired and Royal family
Magic Powers (0-3): Transformation, Conjure fire, fast as stormy wind.
Interests: Domination, Hoarding, Studying humans closely.
Conflicts: Other humans, Other dragons,
Pic (optional):

Personality: Shy, quiet, brave, loves to joke and have fun, gets anxious at times
Appearance:Has wavy, bleach blonde hair, emerald eyes, pale skin, fragile body.
History: She has been in the outskirts of town since she was little. And actually came to town a few times.
Place: Targon
Rank (desired and now):
Magic Powers (0-3): Heal, summon animals
Interests: City life, getting to know others, come more closer to nature a bit, doing things with friends.
Conflicts: Is alone for years.
Pic (optional):


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