My Breeding Project Blog - Frizzled and Laced Colored Egg Layer

This is my future breeding rooster. EE from a breeder.
Very Cool :) Do you know if that breeders has set the blue egg color? I was thinking of sticking to Frizzled hens with a Pure Am roo over them and only selecting the blue eggs to hatch to set the blue egg color.
Yes, she has only Ameraucauna or EE birds. This rooster hatched from a gorgeous sky blue egg. She is still perfecting color of birds, to breed true Am colors vs EE colors. But I'm breeding for egg color and bright colored birds. So I'm ok with EE colored birds.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Thank you. Looks like they have some nice frizzled Easter Eggers. I ordered some eggs from them for my next hatch that I will be setting later this week. I am excited to see what hatches. I also rescued a white Bantam Cochin Roo who has been with my layer flock for a week today. I will set a couple egg from them too to see if any are fertile.

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