Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread



8 Years
Feb 8, 2013
Boston, VA
This thread has been started for discussion of purposeful and inadvertent crosses of cream legbars.

While many of us are working to improve the cream legbar for application for an APA SOP, there are many opportunities to explore the genetics and characteristics of this fabulous breed. So let your imagination take hold and lets discuss some of our discoveries, disappointments, and plans for various projects. Please feel to post your pictures and thoughts.
Since I opened this thread, I will repost an item that I posted on the cream legbar thread. Enjoy & Comment!

Apparent Confirmation of Transmission of Cream Legbar Autosexing Traits

Earlier, I had posted some pictures of the results of crossing cream legbars with an EE hen and RIR hens. This came about initially to keep three males who had reached sexual maturity prior to the cream legbar pullets. This allowed the pullets to grow without too much harassment from the juvenile males. It worked as planned. So on a whim, I decided to hatch some of these eggs to see what would come of this crossing. i was curious as to whether the autosexing traits could be transmitted.

When the three chicks hatched, I was fairly certain that the trait had been transmitted. The CCLxEE roo appeared to have a white spot on his head. Feather sexing also indicated that this chick was a roo. As you will note from the pictures at one week below, it does appear that the autosexing trait did transmit to this first generation cross.

Hatching pictures of CCxEE Roo

CCLxEE Roo at one week

Note what appears to be a definitive white spot on his head as opposed to a "cap" exhibited by other barred chick varieties. While certainly a case may be made for the chipmunk stripping on this chicks back, my feeling is that this more attributable to the EE inheritance.

For reference:

EE Mother of CCLxEE Roo

Father of CCLxEE Roo and CCLxRIR Pullets

With respect to the CCLxRIR crosses, each of these chicks exhibited strong chipmunk stripping as well some RIR striping from the back of their heads. Feather sexing also appears to indicate that these two chicks are pullets.

The following pictures are of the CCLxRIR pullets on hatching day:

Pullet #1

Pullet #2

The following pictures at one week of age are much more definitive. You will see heavy chipmunk striping and CCL eye liner as well as the RIR center strip down the back of the head. What you will not see is any indication of a white spot on the head of these chicks.

Pullet #1

Pullet #2

Both chicks together

This has been an interesting adventure. Thoughts?
Love the pictures! Since I only have females, I won't have any chicks - hybrids OR purebred.

I'll just have to enjoy yours. Can't wait to hear what color eggs everyone gets from the mixes.
Quote: I think this is a question everyone wants to know the answer to. There breed is so new in the US I think we are just getting to see some of the egg results from CL crosses.

Flyingmonkeypoop/Michael had posted once that the Leghorns he used to start his Rose Comb project Cream Legbars seemed to cause the resulting pullet's eggs to lose some of their green tint and become more of a blue color, but I don't think it made the tint a deeper or richer intensity.
I have CL hybrid chicks They are Cream Legbar Rooster x SIlver Laced Cochins (which creates a Red Sexlink) pullets hatch reddish brown roosters hatch yellow/black or silver/black

These are my 2 pullets I am growing out

at hatch the 2 pullets are to the back left with reddish/brown faces

and I have 2 new hatched chicks they are CL x Silver Laced Wyandottes (also Red Sexlinks)

the red/brown chick is the pullet the yellow and black is the rooster

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I have CL hybrid chicks They are Cream Legbar Rooster x SIlver Laced Cochins (which creates a Red Sexlink) pullets hatch reddish brown roosters hatch yellow/black or silver/black

These are my 2 pullets I am growing out

at hatch the 2 pullets are to the back left with reddish/brown faces

and I have 2 new hatched chicks they are CL x Silver Laced Wyandottes (also Red Sexlinks)

the red/brown chick is the pullet the yellow and black is the rooster

Very nice, it is interesting to see your combinations. Keep the pictures coming on grow out!

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