Russian Orloffs

Leslie Standen

7 Years
Jan 27, 2012
I added 3 Russian Orloffs to my flock this spring just because I liked the way they looked and was interested in experiencing
their "life style". They are super friendly and love to be held, eat out of my hand, etc. One of them I believe is a Rooster as
he is twice the size of the females and has his rooster tail. His coloring is the speckled Orloff with magnificent fluorescent aquamarine feathers in his tail and in his wings. The thing I am wondering is that he doesn't crow, just honks like a duck.
DO MALE RUSSIAN ORLOFFS CROW? I know they are slow growing and the females have not started laying yet, so could that be the issue? I appreciate any information.
My RO rooster didn't crow until he was approximately 8 months old and it it sounded more like a siren (woowooooo) than a crow.
Hands down the best roo I ever had! Great protector but not people aggressive. He even used to follow me around offering me "goodies".
Thanks for your reply. I am excited to hear my "siren" when he is a bit older. He is actually shy and acts like a "hen" on one of the lower rungs of the ladder! He pretty much stays around his 2 ladies and my bantam Silkie takes care of the rest of the "big girls"!

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