duck eggs hatching at 23 days?


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
North Central Oklahoma
We had it in our minds that ducks hatch at 28 days, but we are still 5 days out from that and they started internally pipping last night. Are we morons and have the days to hatch wrong or are these guys just quick?
Most ducks take 28 days except for muscovies, that take 35. Day 23 is unlikely to hatch so my guess is that either you counted wrong on the calendar, or they had already started incubating prior to you setting them, so they were a few days along before you started counting.
We collected the eggs every day for a week then put them all in the incubator together. I just don't want them to die off now. Going to go ahead and take them out of the turner and up humidity some. We've had the strangest hatches this year across the gambit of poultry. Shrug.
Hubby went back and recounted. They are only three days early, instead of five. And he's had a few days of the temp being a little bit too high so that could account for it. We'll see how it goes.

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