My girl has a swollen abdomen.

Sorry for your loss. I love your rooster's name. When moving chickens from one coop to another they need to be confined in that coop and run for at least a week to re-program them to where home it. Depending on the coop you can fence off the back half with plastic netting or temporary fencing. It is very boring, but I have found it works. Then cut a hole in the fence or take it down, then watch for any severe bullying while they work out the new pecking order. They will probably hang out as a gang, running away from the older ones for awhile--this is normal.
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Today I cleaned our entire coop. I put in three large dog crates with food and water. Put 2 hens in each. The fence idea was great unfortunately I wouldn't work for us. Gonna give this other way a try. It is so cold outside and had to move them today.

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