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What you said goes under my second point. Why do you get the right to live a normal life outside the freezer, but not your clone? He’d be a human being just the same as you or me.
...I blame the option topic on dystopian fiction we did in year 11 english. :p This is not the kind of thing I’d usually dedicate much of my mental capacity to thinking about.

But yeah, I am definitely of the opinion that overpopulation is getting to be a huge problem these days. Anti-Malthusian is right to some degree and we can feed millions more people without improving on the market’s current dismal attempts at effective distribution – in the short run, because all the fertilisers and other fancy intensive farming strategies aren’t going to contribute to soil degradation at all :p
That’s if we still have enough water or, you know, oxygen by the time we have to seriously start dealing with these problems. Hehe.
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Quote: Fair enough. We used to trap stray cats by sitting behind the open laundry door with food on the floor, and just slam it shut when the poor starving beggars came in to eat. Then there'd be the chase and getting bitten and scratched catching them. Then we made pets out of them. We were kids at the time, and we got really good at catching stray cats without getting hurt after the first few times. That's one way to deal with a feral/stray/dumpee colony, haha!

Since then, we used home made traps and caught all sorts of animals, most of which were simply relocated but some of which were humanely disposed of, and no, I don't think drowning is awfully humane, so it wasn't done that way.

Quote: It's technically only bumping if you say 'bump' or the forum rules stipulate stuff like "no doubleposting" or "no posting within 15 minutes/1 hour/24 hours of your last post" --- some forums are really, really strict and kinda pedantic. ;)

I think you can change the title, some other threads appear to have done so, but I've never changed thread title so I don't know how offhand.
Quote: lol nice try! Controversy generally gets a response.

The potential for harm and abuse is too great, and we're too fallible, you can rely on us to misuse that facility rather than make the best use of it.

With plants it seems great until you realize that genetically homogenous populations have this nasty habit of all dying from the same things at the same time; it's precarious at best and no industry could be reliably based on it in terms of actual longevity because the collapse is guaranteed, sooner or later and no collapse of any significance doesn't affect the surrounding environment and economy. But there are ornamental and edible crops grown mainly or entirely from clones, so that's viable enough in the short term. Pros and cons, means to ends that are often dead ends themselves...

For the sake of saving rare or unique genes of plant of animal, I can see the value, but that's limited application, and in regards to humans, the ethical questions appear to have predominantly dangerous aswers. Too great a risk, again. If it was available to physically damaged people to obtain a healthy clone of themselves and somehow transfer their consciousness, lol, that'd be interesting but still it's too likely to be one of those sciences best abandoned or very strictly regulated. It will be misused, there isn't a "maybe" in my opinion.

Quote: While you could clone you, it wouldn't be exactly 'YOU' so it becomes a human right issue and in order to allow subjugation of clones you would be denying their human rights and rendering them a subclass of slaves with less rights than animals and yeah.... Nah, wouldn't wash with most humans. Better to culture your kidney clone minus the surrounding human in a dish, lol, or use artificial ones, or whatever. Not grow a whole human being.

About human overpopulation and the damage done to the world, best let go of that and do what you believe is right, but don't be consumed by the issue/s, I believe it makes sense to try to be self sufficient but at the same time, it's all kind of a foregone conclusion in my opinion anyway, so just live life while you're alive.

Now, another controversial issue: the 'drug cliff' the developed world's galloping towards. Specifically, the sheer overuse of antibiotics and medications in fowl and other domestic animals, and its harm to humans, and the superbugs we're breeding under such conditions... What's your stance on that?

If you're not aware of the topic as a subject under contention yet, there's been some news articles about it, with scientists saying we've got to stop using antibiotics for everything and anything (duh, lol) because the resistance is already high and the diseases are transferring to humans and are antibiotic resistant and very hard to treat because of the antibiotic overuse in animals, specifically poultry.

Suggestion for a thread title rename, if you're thinking to use controversial topics as a post-producer: something to do with debating or discussing controversial or odd issues or hypotheticals and theories, philosophies etc.

Quote: Greetings to you too. Don't worry about it, I don't think I'll be much use either, very busy lately.

Best wishes to all.
Fair enough. We used to trap stray cats by sitting behind the open laundry door with food on the floor, and just slam it shut when the poor starving beggars came in to eat. Then there'd be the chase and getting bitten and scratched catching them. Then we made pets out of them. We were kids at the time, and we got really good at catching stray cats without getting hurt after the first few times. That's one way to deal with a feral/stray/dumpee colony, haha!

Since then, we used home made traps and caught all sorts of animals, most of which were simply relocated but some of which were humanely disposed of, and no, I don't think drowning is awfully humane, so it wasn't done that way.
Yeah I'm trying to catch a tom cat right now so it doesn't kill my kitten. That sounds like lots of fun! lol!

Yeah we don't drown either. This is a rabbit I caught last year.
"Hey, ho! Let's go!"


oh right, showing my age again. sorry.

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