Frozen Lace (very pic heavy)

I saw a perfect little snowflake today, wanted to photograph it, and no matter what setting I tried, even macro, I couldn't focus on it. :C
Pull back to the distance that you can focus on it, w/ the macro setting you should have been able to get pretty close, but regardless, after you have backed to the focus distance then crop the pic. Most all modern cameras take big enough file size pics that you can crop extensively for a computer shared pic (not one you will print) (a pic that you know is going to be heavily cropped needs to be taken on the finest setting your camera has if you have that ability)

If you are trying w/ your autofocus you need to know how your camera focuses, what part of the frame is it using for the focus, w/ the macro setting it should be center, but might not be, the flake needs to be in that focus field.
Quote: Thanks for the advice!
I had no idea. And, as for autofocus, my camera doesn't allow anything else, I don't think. I'll have to see. But thank you. Heehee, maybe I will get snowflake photos... Tomorrow, of course.

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