What is your favorite season?


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
With all this horrible weather we've been having in the Northeast, I realized how much I am looking forward to spring. I think it is probably my favorite because I love when the trees and flowers start blooming and it is the beginning of warmer weather. I love fall as well, but I don't like what comes after! I feel like people are always much happier and optimistic in the spring. (And chicks start hatching! Yay!)

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Spring has always been my favorite season. FLOWERS!!! yea, Blue bird babies! Orange blossoms!
...and it is Garden season. I love gardening. I love setting seeds in the greenhouses in January and potting up the seedlings into 4' pots in February, so as soon as possible I can put them in the ground have 'Insta-garden". It's a big cheat, but summer comes down here about six seconds after spring, so I have a small little window before it is all miserable.
But I love all six seconds of it!
Summer! You don't have to bundle up just to go outside. The garden is in full swing so you get plenty of fresh eating. Longer days spent outdoors until sunset. Swimming, cooking by the campfire.
I've run through the seasons many times. There are things that I like about all of them, but right now I do have a LEAST favorite season. Has anyone seen my cold, shivering smiley? Or is that really a 'frowny'?
My favorite season is fall. That's why my hubby and I go up to the mountains in North Carolina each October. Simply gorgeous. Having been raised all my life here in South Florida, its a most beautiful change. God's country, I say. But, we don't have it bad here at all. Florida is a beautiful place as well.
My favourite season is winter. :p But that's probably just because here it's good to get a cool change and a bit of wind chill. Winter is usually an interesting part of the year as well when it comes to everyday life: in summer all we have is a huge 2-3 month holiday, and I have never been a fan of having nothing in particular to do. Jobs are elusive. May have job in op shop: I'm supposed to start three days before I leave on holiday. This is always happening to me...

ETA: Good things about other seasons:
Spring - we have some nice purple daisies in the garden which come out in spring.

Summer - ...Good opportunity to go on holiday to cooler places :p

Autumn - Lots of public holidays here, lol. And it's my birthday...
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Have you heard the theory that a person prefers the season they were born in? Ask around, there is lots of anecdotal evidence to support the theory.

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