Brooder heat source

I found this on youtube and was wondering if you think this would work and keep the chicks warm enough, even though there is no electricity involved?

I found this on youtube and was wondering if you think this would work and keep the chicks warm enough, even though there is no electricity involved?

Hmmm...maybe.... depending on the ambient temperatures of the geographical location.
But I wouldn't put 50 chicks in a space that small.
I found this on youtube and was wondering if you think this would work and keep the chicks warm enough, even though there is no electricity involved?


I do pretty much the same thing by cutting holes in old fridges. They don't seem to need any extra heat.

So it's basically just a fridge laying down and has a hole for the chicks to in and out. Keeps them toasty warm just using their own bodyheat really. I did have a lamp in it for a while but if it was left on in the daytime the internal temperature was uncomfortable for the chicks. As a brooder without a heating bill, it's perfect and in many countries, free to build.

I've lined the holes with wood or tin or something to stop the chicks being able to eat the insulation because chooks eat polystyrene so I guessed they might try and eat the stuff in the fridge. There would be faster ways to line the hole though.

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