City of Ashes RP ~~Players Needed~~

(it looks dark and thick, as if anything could be hiding in it.)
Silva shifted on her feet...she hated tight spaces, but if Autumn went in there, she would have to as well. Besides...this isn't really a tight space...just thick foliage....
She drew her sword, her fingers tingling as they caressed the hilt.
"Okay," she said looking at Cable. "Let's just see if we can find her close to the edge of the woods...okay?"
Silva slowly entered the forest, she was glad that Cable was with her.
"Autumn?" She tentatively cried. Her call was lost in the silence that followed. She cleared her throat nervously, tightened her grip on her sword and moved further in...
Silva strained her eyes to see through the trees but couldn't make out any living thing, human or otherwise...
"Autumn!" she called once more. Silence.
Maybe she had left for good? No...maybe she had already circled back and was waiting for them back where they had woken up...
Silva turned back to Cable, "Do you think we should head back or push further in? I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this place..."
Alexis sat by Leah, idly stroking her twin's hair. She kept looking around to be sure she was still alone, besides the unconscious people.

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