Greens and High % Spaldings, do they get trains later then IB Peafowl?

As i say :
" We always see 2/3 inch of real tail feathers. Colorful feathers on the back doesn't go until the end of the tail ".

Young birds around 1 years all have the same profile, male or female.
Later, it change!
With pics below i try to explain it again and you can believe it or not.

I agree that in the first year the tail feathers are always a Little bit longer independent if is a mail or a female. But the shape of the back feathers is different.

Pictures of males 7 or 8 month old all back feathers are having a sharp closed triangle at the end. On the Picture where a Young male is displaying you can see it very clear.

The back feathers of the females don't have this solid triangle at the end the feathers are more expanded (fanned out).
Unfortunately I don't have a picture available where a young female is displaying then you would see the difference much better.

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