What is this handsome fellow?!

I would say he's a mix but there is no question there is some Sussex in him. Would explain the characteristics, and differences between opinions here. But I do agree with 'donrae' that if there were any rare breeds that could have contributed to the genetics the seller would definitely have mentioned it and prices would significantly increase. So I doubt that there are any Swedish or Icelandic in there, but again you never know. What did you pay for him, if you don't mind me asking?
Not trying to argue, but rare doesn't always mean money. My friend had swedish flower hens and couldn't sell hatching eggs or chicks from them because no one knew what they were. She ended up selling her flock for just a couple of bucks per bird.

There's an off chance that he's a rare breed, I've picked up such at feed stores or Craig's list adds, these's a good chance that he could be mixed.
Not trying to argue, but rare doesn't always mean money. My friend had swedish flower hens and couldn't sell hatching eggs or chicks from them because no one knew what they were. She ended up selling her flock for just a couple of bucks per bird.

There's an off chance that he's a rare breed, I've picked up such at feed stores or Craig's list adds, these's a good chance that he could be mixed.
I'd agree it doesn't always mean money, but folks usually at least make a big deal about what kind it is.
I agree not Sussex, that color can be found on other breeds and is recessive, so you'd lose the color long before you'd lose the white legs. Plus, he looks to have white earlobes?

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