Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Hey Al, can you describe what you (diploma-wise) did for your boy who's now a college guy?
I cheated.

Spouse made the kids (so me) sign up with a charter school... and so they do the diplomas. But my neighbor homeschooled independently.... and they just printed out a diploma from their home printer.
Kids at school are making balloon run cars. THen nurse nixed it because the balloons are latex. :barnieThe cars will be rubberband driven instead. :th

The kids are building in class---no experiementing with what works better, smooth wheels, ruberbanded wheels, button wheels...... where is the learning...... it is just a competition. I talked ideas with my son when first assigned this project using internet images and utube to evaluate other designs and design faults. Hoping son was listening.

I miss the Destination Imagination projects that teach the adults to supervise and organize and discuss ideas but not to do it for the kids. The kids learn by doing---and trying to improve their designs. A one time project is less useful.... and stiffles creativity when it is graded. Stop grading. Pass/ Fail. Did the project or not.

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