Spirit stallion of the cimmeron roll play ! Players needed

(Yes and if you post them on the new rp there accepted there too.
Name: thunder
Gender: stallion
Personality:nice and calm
Herd:spirits herd
Member Name:Catcrazy632

Spirit and his new Daughter Love must save Rain from the humans that have taken her, they must find a way to get her back and why the humans took her. With some help from some horses they meet along the way Spirit, Love and their new friends must get Rain back !

* Be Nice

* This Role Play is about Horses

* If you are having a problem with another member please discuss with them through PMs

* ArtGirl and I can accept forms and other things

* All BYC rules apply

* Don't Rp until I accepted you

* Have Fun!

* Your horses can not be magic or magically heal

* When you are chatting or talking about the story put what you are saying in parenthesis.

* Please try to keep things realistic

* Do not control or kill other peoples characters

* You may play as a random animal that they may find or as a human trying to catch the horses but they can't be you're main character and it must just be for part of they story like ( I animal attacked one of the horses or a human is following them or a kind human tries to help a wounded horse. Some thing like that...)

*Your horses may marry and have foals.

Entering form:
Member Name:


Top Leader: Top Leader are the lead Stalion or Mare of the herds. There's only 1 top Stalion and Mare per herd.

Protector: The protector protects the herd.

Helper: Helps care for the young.

Herd Member: Unlimited Herd members are allowed, Herd members help find Rain and help throughout the story.

Random Horse: A random horse is a member of any herd you put down.

Pink Herd, Blue Herd, Purple Herd, Thunder's Herd, Spirit's Main Herd.

The horses that join are horses that are either found along the way or are with them when the leave to find Rain like... ( A horse is stuck and they free it and it comes along to help find Rain or a random horse is eating in a field and hears about Rain and wants to help).

Try to use pictures of random horses from the Spirit movie if you can for your entry form or you can color in this horse picture ....

If you can't find a horse and need help filling in the horse ArtGirl can make you a horse. Post the horse you would like it to look like and the gender.


How can I fill in these pictures?

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