Rhode Island


Coq au Vin
Ok so I rescued two silkies bantams and my girls do not like them at all. They are in kennels in the run for now. Does anyone have experience introducing bantams into a big chicken flock, or is building a separate coop inevitable?
Hello, i live in Richmond, RI and i am new to this post, i have 14 Lavender Orphingtons, 13 laying hens a Buff with 2 three week old Chicks and i just hatched 29 out of 34 eggs two days ago while trying out a used incubator i bought off Craigslist, i am glad to see so many Rhode Islanders on this site.
I was just checking out the used incubator, i never thought that many would hatch, they are mainly Easter Eggers, i have enough Chickens, put them on Craigslist for $2.

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