crossed beak. . . .

what the crossbeak looks like today. . ..she's thinnish, but still active eating and I try to isolate her to and feed her stuff she can scoop up. But I do not have much hope of her doing well in the long run. I know I should put her down, but I will take her to the vet for that, I just can't do it myself. =( I'm a coward, yes. She got some scrambled eggs yesterday and she ate some, she refuses to eat from my hand or allowing me to 'help' her at all. I don't think any amount of trimming or supplements are going to help her, it's not a little crossed, it's majorly crossed.
We had one just like that and I had to let my husband cull it a few days ago :( The poor thing was using all its energy to try and eat and while it was still growing (however very slow), the crossbeak was getting much worse and as of that day, the other chicks were starting to peck at it's exposed tongue!!!! That was horrible and as soon as I saw that I knew That was it. Especially since it was so young, and it had gotten so bad so fast. I'm sorry....this is the tough part of raising animals.
My husband usually is pretty strong, but he can't do it either. I have to find someone who can or take it to a
vet to have it done.
I've heard of people putting young chicks in a ziploc bag and putting them in the freezer. They go to sleep and then freeze. Might make it easier to cull it that way.
I have an EE who developed the cross beak and she is 7 weeks old now and doing great. I'm not a chicken genius or anything but she scoops just fine as long as we make sure she has her own bowl and/or a big pile of feed. So don't give up!

I've heard of people putting young chicks in a ziploc bag and putting them in the freezer. They go to sleep and then freeze. Might make it easier to cull it that way.

Please do NOT put the baby in the freezer.. it is a slow process and very cruel. There are other ways of doing it yourself which are much faster and without so much suffering. The poor thing has suffered enough, it should not be left to freeze to death in a plastic bag.
Did not matter. First day they we're let out, she vanished within a one hour period. No one was upset, no one else was missing, we searched everywhere and she was just gone. No trace.

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