TSC Chicks sneezing?

yes I'll try.


Wow poor guy, I have never heard of that. :( thanks for posting.
I have about 14, 5 week old chicks sneezing as well and they all came from TSC. I'm from Indiana but maybe they used the same hatchery? I don't know if its because they're sick or from using the fine shaved bedding? We were using the medium flakes but when we grabbed more got the wrong size.We went ahead and used it but now they're sneezing. :(
Now i am gettin really nervous bout my chicks and i got 2 ducks. The pic of the black chick looks the black sex links i have. Everyone seems ok though. Havent heard any sneezin for couple days. Mayb i just a paraniod chick mom.
Just an observation. I usually use bedding from the feed store but was given some bags of sawdust from a local mill. It was SO dusty and fine....it made me sneeze. I would suggest that you might not want to use fine sawdust with the chicks.

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