Ended Coop Page Contest #5 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

BYC Project Manager

BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Feb 22, 2009

This BYC contest is brought to you by our sponsors.
Please visit them and thank them for their support of BYC

Get those digital cameras out and scan those plans you wrote on the back of your chick starter receipt. Throw them together with a great write up and you could be a winner! (okay... everyone on BYC is a winner... you'd just be a super coop page contest winner!)

Contest Details:

This is a contest to see who can create the best coop page for BYC. We define the "best coop page" to mean pages with the most information, pictures, plans, details, etc. that will be very helpful to others who want to build a coop. We don't care if your coop was made out of recycled pallets and was made in 2 days, or if it was made out of the highest grade materials, took 5 months, and is a scale model of the Taj Mahal. We want helpful and informative pages!

FIRST PLACE: The first place winners (at least 2) of the contest will get a $20 Gift Certificate for the BYC Store!
Second PLACE: The second place winner (at least 2) of the contest will get a FREE 6 month GFM for themselves or a friend.

You'll be using the BYC Page & Article Creation Tool to design your pages and creating a page here:https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/2/Coop_Designs

Deadline: The deadline will be based on the number of submissions we receive and how quickly we get them. Usually we wait for at least 20 - 30 submissions. Once we get "enough" we'll give everyone at least 1 week notice before the contest ends so they can put final touches on their submissions.

Things to include in your page:

  1. Start with a finished coop picture at the top of your page
  2. Have a write-up of how you built your coop. Include any information you think would be helpful to other people who may want to build a similar coop.
  3. If you have them, include designs & plans you used to build your coop.
  4. Pictures of your coop as it was being constructed.
  5. Finished pictures of your coop.
  6. A list of things you want to change or add to your coop.
  7. Additional information about what you learned, what you'd do differently the next time, and any other tips for potential coop builders.

To increase your chances of winning the contest, make sure it has as many of the elements above in as much detail as possible! Here are some additional hints to help you win the contest:

1) Follow the format of some of the existing coop pages.
2) The more details and pictures the better!
3) Plans plans plans. Very few coop designs have plans available. If you post plans (rough or detailed) of your coop you'll get bonus points for sure!
4) Pictures - We all love lots of big beautiful and helpful pictures!
5) Remember, this is a contest for the most helpful coop build page and not the best looking coop.

IMPORTANT RULE: ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other sites like Photobucket, personal websites, etc.

We expect to add all of the pages submitted to the coop design page of BYC, but the best will win the contest.


  1. Navigate to the "coop designs" section of the site.
  2. Scroll below the thumbnails of coops and to the middle left of the page you will see a button for "Add a Coop Design" Click that button and give the page a title.
  3. Create a very helpful page with lots of pictures and information.
  4. Reply to this thread with a link to your coop page you created.
  5. Have Fun!

NOTE: If you're one of those modest types and want to add your coop to the site but don't want to enter the contest, that is fine. We'd still love to have your pictures posted to a BYC page and a link to your page posted in this thread... the more coop designs the better!

To get your coop page on the Index of coops pages of BYC:

1) Create a coop page following the steps above
2) Reply to this thread with a link to your coop
3) Wait for the contest to end

Please keep in mind that adding coops to our coop index is a long and manual process, so we tend to do them all at once and at the end of the contest.

We look forward to seeing your coop pages, pictures, and information!!


You can check out some of the previous winners for inspiration, see here:

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After two raccoon attacks in which enlisted Chickens were killed at the Chicken outpost in Greenbrier, Arkansas, Colonel Red Rooster summoned the help of me, (on account of a coon ate all his kids), to establish a coon proof fortress in which Chickens would longer fear the piddly little hands of a racoon. The result of the undertaking ended with the raising of the American flag at Fort Chicken!!

Clementine AnnaRose sits on 90 lbs. of ground reinforcing cinder blocks on barn tin ground fortification at Fort Chicken. Near her left arm, you can see the rustic coon meat grinder mounted to the Fort Chicken portal. Above that is the coon choppin' hatchet>


Mom AdriAnn, and Clementine AnnaRose, together at Fort Chicken.


Dad, Michael... Outpost contractor and the lone builder of Fort Chicken.


Colonel Red Rooster, pecking around inside Fort Chicken, poses for a pic with his lovely woman, KFC. Note the coon proof fence design. Outside is double hog fence (1/8 inch steel) wired together at the centers. Next is a row of 2"x4" yard fence. Inside is a row of chicken wire to keep the little chicks corraled, all nailed to fresh cut concreted 5 inch cedar posts, wrapped to the ground on a 2'x6' frame.

Staven and Clementine AnnaRose sit outside the north weapon wall at Fort Chicken, complete with GIJoe Tank lunch ration bucket and yellow porcelin pot lid coon shield. A short handled coon slapper hangs top left. An arsenal of calvary issue coon gigs, coon knockers, and coon skinners are pictured above Clementine AnnaRose and Staven. It is a dangerous place for a coon to hang out. Inside hangs a full set of Ping golf clubs. Colonel Red Rooster likes to play golf, and he also slaps a pretty good chicken snake with a 3 iron.

The USMC artillery dump at Fort Chicken, complete with nail spike ammo and mortar launcher, sitting atop one of the four empress wood ground tin anchoring corner stumps. Note the coon toe clippers and coon foot smasher on the cedar post. Miss Piggy and Mr. Jersey are shown on egg guard at Fort Chicken. Notice Mr. Jersey had his right arm ripped off in a coon attack, but he continues to serve. Colonel Red Rooster was adamant in his needs for coon maiming devices and weaponry, on account a coon ate all of his kids... Left one of 'ems foot behind one time. Just a pile of feathers the other times. President Chicken back in Washington so ordered full coon attack artillery.


The Fort Chicken eagle bell coon alarm, with outpost lamp. Crying Indian girl juju incorporated at KFC's request. Poison water cup and coon saw also pictured.


Assorted coon skinners, coon giggers, and coon hooks. Lucky horseshoe.


Reinforced stall door with 5 lb railroad wrench handle, (my favorite part). Coon saw. Coon proof slide locking gates with 6 inch by 2 inch genuine crystal overlatch.


Combo booby trap hammer handle and coon saw on the left stall, made for instant coon head pounding and coon finger whacking.


And that my comrades is how Colonel Red Rooster won the war against raccoons.


Oh, and the best part, with accessories, I spent about $15 cash building Fort Chicken, top to bottom. The cypress and oak wood came from a hundred year old barn on my dad's place, as did the barn tin. The cedar post I cut out back of the house. Most of the arsenal, artillery and such, was bought extremely cheap at yard sales. All the coon proof fencing I got free for helping some folks clean up some junk.

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I'll also do a page! I'm hoping to debut the coop this week or next. I just need to build the run and hopefully that will be done tomorrow. Supposed to rain Tuesday thru Friday so if I don't finish, it'll be next week. Cool!

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