Brahma Breeders thread

Yes, I know this. I purchased them more for temperament than size. There aren't any breeders that I know of in my area anyway, so I have to rely on hatchery's to get the breeds that I want. I just wanted to see a comparison more than anything.
I hope yours are friendly, my hatchery cochin was the meanest bird ever, came at us feet first. I look to see if I can find his picture. He was beautiful and I love his girls but all boys from him were mean. This was before I got into exhibition birds.
I have ordered 5 Brahma pullets and 1 rooster along with 5 standard Cochin pullets and 1 rooster from our local feed store. Does anyone have a picture of a brahma and a Cochin together side by side?

My friends hatchery brahma next to her exhibition Orrington rooster
My breeding stock are all heritage/exhibition stock except my 1 hatchery girl. She used to be mean as a hungry snake. Since she's integrated into the flock she's nice. She's smaller than the rest, but Madea is a keeper. I won't get hatchery ones again. My males were complete jerks. It didn't matter why you were in the yard. They would have a go at you. I had to start carrying a stick with me. They went into the freezer. Then i got my rooster Foghorn and he's as nice as can be.
Trying to read everything but I'm looking for someone that has the really big ones and has babies/eggs that they r selling or giving (not sure if people give hatching eggs) I'd like birds with some color if possible
Does anyone know where I could find a light brahma breeder in NC? I am looking for a standard size pullet. Thanks

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