Chick days at southern states

eggs and chicks

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
southern states is having their "chick days" we are going next week to get ducks and chickens i will try and post pics but i might not be able to because i am new and i dont really know how to

~eggs and chicks~
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Have you read about brooding ducklings? They are wonderful and they are waterfowl. You need to get the water management handled and it is much more fun.
alright thanks i already know about duck things we had fourteen started with 2 and then they hatched eggs now we only have 6 that is an example of how much i hate predators
I understand. Keep beefing up the security.
i am sorry i cant figure out how to get the pictures onto my computer i don't like the new computers with windows whatever every time i move my mouse it takes me to a different page i hate it
well since i cant post pic this is going to be like my blog thread our friend just called us and said he is going to bring us 2 white pekins we were hoping to get some but southern states didn't have them
finally we are getting a pool everyone in my family has wanted 1 for 2-3 years but we had problems when we tried to put 1 up 2 years ago i hope this goes smoothly
Well someone left a fishing pole out, one of the duck's thought it would be fun to get the line wrapped around her neck and knotted(yes she managed to knot it) it was so tight she was trying to drink and it wouldn't go down her throat so she has a big lump,we thought she might have gotten a disease or something, (because it looked like a tumor) then someone saw that it was fishing line! so we caught her and then she started throwing up (on me) so then we couldn't find scissors to cut it off but we managed to get it off she seems to be doing fine now we got her to eat and drink that was yesterday i think her neck is a little soar because she seems to keep it tucked under her wing

(please forgive my bad grammar i am in a hurry most of the time when i write)

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