Day 9 - sticky "sap" on eggs?

Have you been candling your eggs, just wondering? I have only done one hatch, so I am a complete amateur. Everything I have read, which believe me is quite a lot, has indicated that weeping eggs are a negative sign, and they should be removed ASAP. The longer they stay in the incubator, the greater your chances of contamination of the rest of the remaining eggs. I think to sacrifice one egg for the benefit of the hatch seems like a positive thing. Especially that you have 50 eggs.. 49 possible successes it great!
I don't think the spot can be from anything else other than the beginning of an early or mid range death, and it should be removed.

What color Marans are in the incubator? Are all the eggs Marans? How neat!


The Marans are Black Copper. They were shipped and I only have 13, so I hesitate to throw anything away.

I have been candling quite a few of my eggs. It's very difficult to see in the Marans, but this egg with the small dab seems to have a chick inside -- especially seeing the involuntary movement (not just a rolling shadow, but a jerk). My other eggs, lighter in colour, are developing as well, just I can't discern blood vessels in the eggs that aren't white.
I'm going to candle again tonight. I've handled the egg quite a bit and it hasn't exploded.

I've read around 25 threads on the matter and still can't decide. It doesn't have "bubbles" anywhere else on the egg, no odor. The dried spot is completely clear, not yellow or foamy. Everyone else reported that their egg was infertile, but mine is developing. It's not continuing to grow in any way (like a continuous leaching). I wonder if I could have cracked it very slightly while turning - there are little hairlike lines underneath the tiny spot, barely discernible -- and a little bit of egg white leached out and sealed the spot?

Thanks for your feedback! Going to reassess tonight and see.

Edit: I should say that the spot is not continuing to grow in any way - I didn't mean the chick!
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