we'd got them from a local breeder but met at a flea market. symptoms are closed eyes,very weak and loud chirping. it also wants to eat but doesn't walk to food dish.
I had the same thing earlier this month. The illness is called pullorum disease. When a hen is infected from the disease and recovers, the eggs she lays aftwerwards are infected by the disease. Any chicks that is born from her will inherit the disease. It is a very bad ilness. When buying chickens, you should always ask for proof that the parents were pullorum free and these chicks had vaccinations.
If you have any other chickens, get them away immediately. This disease is contagious through fecal matter and bird dust. Do not wear the same clothes while take care of other chickens and wash your hands. S. pullorum can survive for a long time in a regular environment, but stands no chance against simple anti-bacterials and cleaners.
Unfortunately, there is no treatment for this illness. All you can do is give the chick a peaceful way out.
I'm sorry.
My 4 day old polish tolbunt chick had all these symptoms except the white diarrhea...I had to help her hatch after almost 30 hrs of a pip & no zipping when she passed away yesterday I didn't think anything of it & just assumed she wasn't meant to be born.
But now another chick started chirping very loudly & although if I go by brooder she walks around she usually is just standing there chirping with her eyes closed. Again no diarrhea but...
any thoughts
Does your chick have:
-White diorrea(just can't spell that)
-Closed eyes
-Limp position
-Inability to stand
-Very weak
-No appetite
Seperate her from the other chicks so they don't catch anything that it has. Provide food and water, obviously, and watch its appetite. It may not have white diarrhea now, but just be on the lookout.

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