PRODUCTION Toulouse Geese Thread!!


8 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Nashville, TN
I don't know how many people have production Toulouse geese on this forum, but let's post pictures of them! I love Dewlap and Exhibition Toulouse geese, but I have none! Here are some pictures of my new babies PLEASE add yours!!!


Eight days old.


Six days old.


Four days old.


Two days old!!
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I'd love to join the discussion for production Toulouse. I don't have many. I had a trio of them, but apparently it's one goose and two ganders. Last year the goose laid a good clutch of eggs, but as soon as one hatched successfully, she kicked the rest out of the nest. The ganders stepped on the partially hatched eggs, and it was cold, and I didn't find the poor things till morning. So, we had one gosling last year. This year she hatched out five. But a raccoon got under the fence and that was that. So, despite the fact that I have turkeys, Muscovy, chickens, and some peafowl... it seems that I am somehow NOT fit to own geese.

I'm not giving up though. In fact, a friend had four good production Toulouse she was getting rid of, and I bought those because one of the females from THAT group has already laid and hatched a good clutch of eggs (I believe it was seven she said). Then I will have unrelated babies for the future if my very own goose could just get some babies going.

I feel almost bad for my poor geese at this point though. Going over the threads, everyone has dewlap and exhibition. Seems that production Toulouse are not terribly popular. Mine are horrible birds, of course. They're aggressive and irritable. They kill baby ducks if they can get hold of them. They're generally ill tempered beasts. I don't know if that's normal or just mine, but I adore it.

Well, I have my turkeys which are sneaky beasties which will creep up behind you when you aren't looking to try to take a beakfull out of your backside. I have my ducks which are cheerful and happy. I have my chickens which are... well... chickens. Then of course I have my geese who are ill tempered bullies. It's just another interesting personality on the farm. I just wish they'd cooperate a TINY little bit about having some goslings.

Ok, this year wasn't their fault, it was entirely mine. But after three years it'd be nice to have some babies.
Oh I love my Toulouse! She's the sweetest, she runs up to me in the morning and let's me scratch her neck and follows me around the yard, never bitten me. If I sit in the grass she sits right in front of me!


This is her at five months old! My other two in the first post died.
I have 2 production Toulouse and they are bullies also. I'd never let them have a chance at killing ducklings or chicks because I know they would, they go after the chickens and also the ducks But I still love them. BabeMissy farther est Babe closest to camera.
Beautiful birds. My toulouse bullies my cats and dogs, never a person. Thinking about getting a gander for ger to push around! (;
I got all My geese when they were bigger. The first trio because they were mean the second set because she was being over run by geese. I think getting them used to people earlier might affect their disposition. Then again, maybe some of them are just naturally born grumpy farts.
I got all My geese when they were bigger. The first trio because they were mean the second set because she was being over run by geese. I think getting them used to people earlier might affect their disposition. Then again, maybe some of them are just naturally born grumpy farts.

I was really surprised how hateful my young Toulouse is, we got him/her and the Buff at 2 days old and they started out with attitude. My gander and his mate [my other Toulouse] never attacked any of the other birds just let them know to keep their distance mostly by dropping their heads and sticking out their necks but these 2 youngins especially the Toulouse and they are just 4 months old are something else. He/she will grab hold of a chicken and won't let go while the chicken is squawking her head off. Most of the flock has learned to stay clear of them, but every once in a while one will get to close and I hear it holler. and the look they give the ducks and chickens well if looks could kill. lol My geese have never offered to bite me or anyone else but my gander has to be reminded daily he doesn't bite the hand that feeds him.
I was really surprised how hateful my young Toulouse is, we got him/her and the Buff at 2 days old and they started out with attitude. My gander and his mate [my other Toulouse] never attacked any of the other birds just let them know to keep their distance mostly by dropping their heads and sticking out their necks but these 2 youngins especially the Toulouse and they are just 4 months old are something else. He/she will grab hold of a chicken and won't let go while the chicken is squawking her head off. Most of the flock has learned to stay clear of them, but every once in a while one will get to close and I hear it holler. and the look they give the ducks and chickens well if looks could kill. lol My geese have never offered to bite me or anyone else but my gander has to be reminded daily he doesn't bite the hand that feeds him.
That is exactly why I finally made a pen, run and range just for Sting, Lydia and Pauline. Alone they are the sweetest things on the planet but let the ducks come up to them and they just go crazy...intent on killing the ducks. And it is odd because I got them at the same age as the ducks thinking they would be together. The first month of two they shared a coop but then things changed. Now when I let them out to range they go straight to the fence around the duck range and just honk. It does not help the the Blue Swedish drake taunts them. There are times that I am tempted to let Sting in with the ducks just to take care of things once and for all but I could not live with the results.
That is exactly why I finally made a pen, run and range just for Sting, Lydia and Pauline. Alone they are the sweetest things on the planet but let the ducks come up to them and they just go crazy...intent on killing the ducks. And it is odd because I got them at the same age as the ducks thinking they would be together. The first month of two they shared a coop but then things changed. Now when I let them out to range they go straight to the fence around the duck range and just honk. It does not help the the Blue Swedish drake taunts them. There are times that I am tempted to let Sting in with the ducks just to take care of things once and for all but I could not live with the results.

Those boys and their macho image they have to up hold eh? There was a time I had to separate my old drake from my gander back when both of them were young but the drakes have learned to give the gander a wide berth, I have to keep my old drake[ he's 10yrs old separated from all of the boys] he still thinks he is Mr. macho in his head but his body gave that idea up years ago.

Geese just being geese, ducks just being ducks just the way it is.

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